Topic: W:Chain Lightning,Colonnade,LED,etc H:Thoughtseize,Snapcaster,Shocks

Hey there everyone, My deckbox isn't super up to date with everything in my inventory, but the stuff I listed as my Haves are up-to-date.  If you see something on there that you want that I don't have in my inventory on deckbox just shoot me a message so i can update it.  I also have other wants on my deckbox, but the lower value wants that I have I really only want to add to trades to even them out.  These wants I have here are the real priorities.  Thanks guys!

3 Chain Lightning
4 Celestial Colonnade
(Lower Priority)
3 Lion's Eye Diamond
4 Burning Wish
4 Chrome Mox
4 Serra Ascendant
3 Pact of Negation

1 Thoughtseize(THS)
2 Progenitus (MM and FTV)
2 Sword of Body and Mind (FTV and MBS)
2 Snapcasters
1 Lotus Bloom
2 Jace, Memory Adept
1 Rafiq of the Many (FTV)
1 Ral Zarek
1 Kalonian Hydra
1 Maelstrom Pulse (MM)
1 Sword of Fire and Ice (MM)
1 Cryptic Command (MM)
1 Shardless Agent
2 Karn Liberated
1 Maze of Ith (FTV)
1 Kitchen Finks (MM) Foiled
1 Flusterstorm
1 Sword of War and Peace Foiled
1 Murmering Bosk (FTV)
4 Breeding pool
1 Hallowed Fountain
2 Sulfur Falls
3 Temple Garden
1 Isolated Chapel
1 Clifftop Retreat
1 Stomping Ground
7 Glacial Fortress
2 Drowned Catacomb
1 Seachrome Coast
2 Blood Crypt
6 Hinterland Harbor
7 Sunpetal  Grove
2 Woodland Cemetery
2 Rootbound Crag
3 Steam Vents
3 Razorverge Thicket
4 Inkmoth Nexus (3 are Japanese)
1 Cavern of Souls
1 Dragonskull Summit
A bunch of cards from Graveborn
A bunch of Esper colored Zendikar Fullart Lands

Re: W:Chain Lightning,Colonnade,LED,etc H:Thoughtseize,Snapcaster,Shocks

I have 3 modern masters pact of negation, and a serra's ascendant. I would be interested in your thoughtseize, karn, flusterstorm, and shocks. Also take a look at my inventory for other value.

Re: W:Chain Lightning,Colonnade,LED,etc H:Thoughtseize,Snapcaster,Shocks

IanBearman wrote:

Hey there everyone, My deckbox isn't super up to date with everything in my inventory, but the stuff I listed as my Haves are up-to-date.  If you see something on there that you want that I don't have in my inventory on deckbox just shoot me a message so i can update it.  I also have other wants on my deckbox, but the lower value wants that I have I really only want to add to trades to even them out.  These wants I have here are the real priorities.  Thanks guys!

3 Chain Lightning
4 Celestial Colonnade
(Lower Priority)
3 Lion's Eye Diamond
4 Burning Wish
4 Chrome Mox
4 Serra Ascendant
3 Pact of Negation

1 Thoughtseize(THS)
2 Progenitus (MM and FTV)
2 Sword of Body and Mind (FTV and MBS)
2 Snapcasters
1 Lotus Bloom
2 Jace, Memory Adept
1 Rafiq of the Many (FTV)
1 Ral Zarek
1 Kalonian Hydra
1 Maelstrom Pulse (MM)
1 Sword of Fire and Ice (MM)
1 Cryptic Command (MM)
1 Shardless Agent
2 Karn Liberated
1 Maze of Ith (FTV)
1 Kitchen Finks (MM) Foiled
1 Flusterstorm
1 Sword of War and Peace Foiled
1 Murmering Bosk (FTV)
4 Breeding pool
1 Hallowed Fountain
2 Sulfur Falls
3 Temple Garden
1 Isolated Chapel
1 Clifftop Retreat
1 Stomping Ground
7 Glacial Fortress
2 Drowned Catacomb
1 Seachrome Coast
2 Blood Crypt
6 Hinterland Harbor
7 Sunpetal  Grove
2 Woodland Cemetery
2 Rootbound Crag
3 Steam Vents
3 Razorverge Thicket
4 Inkmoth Nexus (3 are Japanese)
1 Cavern of Souls
1 Dragonskull Summit
A bunch of cards from Graveborn
A bunch of Esper colored Zendikar Fullart Lands

I've got 4 Burning Wish I might be willing to part with if the price is right.

Re: W:Chain Lightning,Colonnade,LED,etc H:Thoughtseize,Snapcaster,Shocks

Trade you a F&L Chain lightning plus smalls to even out a Thoughtseize? Open a trade with me if you're interested and we'll work it out.

Re: W:Chain Lightning,Colonnade,LED,etc H:Thoughtseize,Snapcaster,Shocks

I have all 4 Serra Ascendants. Looking for Snapcasters

Re: W:Chain Lightning,Colonnade,LED,etc H:Thoughtseize,Snapcaster,Shocks

are you more interested in a pds chain lightning or a legends one?