Topic: Bash 'Em!

So if there are 3 players and I play the Bash 'Em! card

"Action:  There is an additional battlefield phase this turn,  following the first battlefield phase this turn."

Does this mean that I get to attack again when I play this card or does it mean that the opponents also get a turn and who would attack first?  Or does this mean only MY turn?  So only I would have an additional battlefield phase.

Sometimes I think the cards could be more clear, since we often have to agree amongst each player to see if we are reading the card correctly and how to interpret the card.

Re: Bash 'Em!

"This turn" refers to the turn during which the card is played. You play it during your turn, you get an additional battlefield phase. No one but you can attack during your turn, no matter how many battlefield phases you have. If, for some reason, you play the card during an opponent's turn, he gets another battlefield phase, but you still can't attack during his turn.

While there certainly are many cards with less than optimal wording, I wouldn't count this one among them. But if you regularly play with more than 2 players, it's no surprise you run into difficult situations, since there are no official rules for these games.

Re: Bash 'Em!

I agree.  thanks.