looking at your inventory, you have a few really good cards. I think my suggestion would be to trade some of the cards you have to get closer to the deck you want to play.
This red green aggro/ramp deck was top 8 at the pro tour and is a good deck to shoot for. That being said however, i would try to figure out your local meta a little and tweak it some for that. If you have more control maybe a maindeck miscutter hydra would be better.
60 cards
9 Forest
2 Mountain
4 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
4 Stomping Ground
4 Temple of Abandon
23 lands
3 Arbor Colossus
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Elvish Mystic
2 Nylea, God of the Hunt
4 Polukranos, World Eater
3 Scavenging Ooze
4 Sylvan Caryatid
4 Voyaging Satyr
28 creatures
3 Domri Rade
4 Garruk, Caller of Beasts
2 Xenagos, the Reveler
9 planeswalkers
2 Burning Earth
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
1 Destructive Revelry
1 Mistcutter Hydra
3 Mizzium Mortars
2 Nylea's Disciple
1 Sylvan Primordial
2 Wasteland Viper
1 Xenagos, the Reveler
15 sideboard cards
There's a couple reason's why I suggest doing this.
1. You've been out of the game a while. It doesn't mean your a noob, but you probably don't have your thumb on the pulse of the game anymore and this would be a way to get into the game and mix it up, without having to do hours and hours of play testing on your own brews.
2. Your current red green build just flat out lacks the power you'd need to be decent at some FNMs or game days. Your area may be different, but I would expect my play group to be at least 1/3rd tier one, 1/3rd tier 2, and 1/3rd pile of random cards (IE: your deck).
3. It's competitive. You can weed out most of the last 1/3rd of the decks by just playing better cards than they have access too. This will get you up to playing the tier 1-2 decks where you'll see more interesting interactions and learn more.
I'm not saying you need to go out and spend $400, but you're deck needs a more consistent plan, you've got one of just about everything you could find in your deck, and the cards don't synergize well. Use Makihito Mihara's deck as template and work off it.