Topic: I have one MM Tarmogoyf for trade - looking for specific cards

I have one Tarmogoyf for trade. (MM version, $130 ish dollar value) Perfect condition - from pack to sleeve to binder.

I'd like to get a Mana Drain for it. ($130 ish dollar value)

Or if you happen to have these for trade, I need a Force of Will, Power Artifact, Blinkmoth nexus, Inkmoth Nexus, Staff of Domination, and a Transmute Artifact. ($130 ish total dollar value)

I would also accept a revised ed. Volcanic Island + Gilded Drake ($130 ish dollar value)

I'm looking at eBay buy-it-now prices of NM to VG cards to get an idea of what the real cost of these cards would be if you wanted to buy them.

Re: I have one MM Tarmogoyf for trade - looking for specific cards

How much do you value the card?  Feel free to express in "ish" value.

Re: I have one MM Tarmogoyf for trade - looking for specific cards

I assume he means he is flexible as long as you are including the cards he is looking for, but I guess we will find out.

I collect funny, epic, or unique flavor texts (foil if applicable)
Looking to purchase one player rewards and one judge foil Wasteland.
Tradelist | Wishist

Re: I have one MM Tarmogoyf for trade - looking for specific cards

Yes, I'm flexible. I'm just looking to get some of the cards I'm searching for valued between $30 - $70 in the trade.