Topic: Offensive Advertisements

I know it's not actually smut, but I would like to complain about the "FOR MALE GAMERS ONLY" Ad that keeps popping up on your website.  I have on occassion browsed this site while at work.  That in and of itself is not an issue for me or my employer; however when advertisements start coming up that, at first glance, look like naked women, it becomes a problem.

I understand the need for targetted ads for a particular audience, and don't mind ads in general.  However that particular ad, in my opinion, does not fit this site's purpose/audience correctly.  It would, at the very least, reduce MY traffic on this website overall, as I will not browse the site whiel I am at work or while my children are awake/around me if that ad continues to appear while. 

I can't be the only one, can I? I'm not really a prude or overly conservative, but this isn't the type of site I should be seeing ads like this one..  Or the one at the top of my screen right now "Sexy Arab Girls."  These belong on porn and torrent websites, not on a legit site like deckbox.

Some sample images that I'm sure you've all seen.  The second one looks completely nude at first glance and is the one that really looks inappropriate to any passers-by.


Last edited by z28power (2013-10-21 18:36:00)

Re: Offensive Advertisements

How are these ads any worse than magic cards like this:

I am for whatever ads help keep deckbox alive.

Re: Offensive Advertisements

I also am for whatever keeps deckbox alive, without a doubt.  I'd even be all for a subscribing members option that removes ads on a per yearly basis.  I can tell you right now I would gladly give the revenue directly to deckbox, as I'm not likely to click an ad like that.

The difference is that I can control which card images show up on my screen, the ads come up without my input.

Re: Offensive Advertisements

I want to complain about the smutty looking ads, as well. I can make a conscious decision to not use cards with smutty looking art, or I can alter the art on them to not look smutty, but those ads can't be avoided, unless I use an extension to block the ads altogether, in which case, deckbox gets nothing.

Re: Offensive Advertisements

Sorry for these issues. We are looking into some kind of filtering options for adsense, did not find anything that works until now to keep some of the spicier adds off the website. We'll come back to you on this, thanks for the feedback.

Re: Offensive Advertisements

sebi wrote:

Sorry for these issues. We are looking into some kind of filtering options for adsense, did not find anything that works until now to keep some of the spicier adds off the website. We'll come back to you on this, thanks for the feedback.

Wow sebi, thanks for the prompt response.  I'm subscribed here for an update. smile

Re: Offensive Advertisements

We've blocked some advertisers from adsense that had nsfw type ads. It should take effect in the coming 24 hours according to them.

Can you please let us know if you see any others? You can post in this thread or shoot us a quick email at

Thanks again for reporting.

Re: Offensive Advertisements

Thank you for your prompt attention to this!  I actually haven't seen one at all today so far, so perhaps it was even faster than they promised. 

I really appreciate you taking the feedback so seriously.

Re: Offensive Advertisements

They were gone for a while, but came back tonight.  not sure if that was by design or not.  It's the same "Male Gamers Only" ads as before.

Re: Offensive Advertisements

I use adblock plus.  Maybe I'm a horrible person for it, but in general ads are actually a huge source of malware, so I'm not turning the filter off for any site. 

I'd like to think that if I click a link to TCG player from Deckbox though, that deckbox would get some sort of money via referral.  It does add DECKBOX to the URL and tracks it as a referring link.  I click links to TCG player from here all the time, and when I buy cards it's usually through TCG player.

Re: Offensive Advertisements

I'm surfing via safari on an iPad. It has no Adblock plus. I'm getting the ads, again, too.

Re: Offensive Advertisements

Thank you for reporting. Apparently there were a couple new adwords accounts that are advertising for those. We've blocked them too now, they should be gone.

Re: Offensive Advertisements

First of all love the site here. Got a few trades going within a few hours of signing up. Keep up the good work it's awesome.

Second I want to support the person that says they would pay a small fee to see no ads. -- I would do that too. I think they are very annoying and I wouldn't ever click on it unless completely by accident. I wonder if you would stand to make more in revenue not having ads and having a small member service, than having ads in the first place. In my experience these ads bring in very minimal income even on a site with 100k visits. Like a couple bucks a day maybe? -- if that's the case, it would seem annoying the users isn't worth having ads in the first place.

Also, I caution having a membership solely to remove ads, as that is against google adsense policy, so the membership will have to involve other things than just 'remove ads' -- I would suggest a small set of member only features, I would be the first to sign up smile

BTW the ad I see the most is for MTGMadness, I don't mind that one, actually I had assumed you worked with them directly.

Hope that helps!


H: Tradelist | W: Standard cards on my wishlist
- The higher number on my want list the more I want it!

Re: Offensive Advertisements

sebi wrote:

Thank you for reporting. Apparently there were a couple new adwords accounts that are advertising for those. We've blocked them too now, they should be gone.

Sadly these are spammer accounts and will likely keep recurring. As someone who works in this industry there is no real way to ever get them to stop. Some best practices are to make sure you have the Family Safe option or whatever it is called on so you don't get ads shown that have been tagged as non-family. If you can, keep reporting these accounts to google as well. Make a list of each account you block and report, and once you've got a sizable list email google and tell them. They should be able to block the IP address the accounts are associated with. Pretty much any ad without a company logo or name on them should be a red flag for spam.

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