Topic: [Casual] U/G Landfall deck.

Here is the deck:

I know this deck needs some improvement.  I'm just not sure where.

Basic idea behind the deck is pretty straightforward, kick off the landfall abilities and overrun an opponent.

Re: [Casual] U/G Landfall deck.


Re: [Casual] U/G Landfall deck.

Sorry, it's really more difficult to offer as much insight into casual playgroups as opposed to the more standardized competitive scene.

Perhaps some added details about your opponents, the types of decks they typically play, the budget you're willing to spend to complete the deck (or to at least consider suggestions), etc.

I'll give it a more in-depth look tomorrow with the hope that I can offer some suggestions.

Re: [Casual] U/G Landfall deck.

What's the point of Hedron Crab?  Just trying to mill your opponents with this one card?  I feel like this deck doesn't have anything really to do on turns one or two, so I think this slot could be better filled with a ramp guy (think Llanowar Elves or equivalent) or if you're going the beat down route (with groundswell) Slippery Bogle

If you can afford it I'd say you should grab yourself some Lotus Cobra because it will help you ramp into your win conditions.  Also although it doesn't say "landfall" on the card, I kind of like the card Sporemound, as it's ability seems very relevant.  I feel Primeval Titan demands some non-basic lands to abuse him to his fullest.  Consider also some man lands like the classic Mishra's Factory, or Dryad Arbor, or just about any land with a decent enters the battlefield condition.  (Halimar Depths and Soaring Seacliff were both commons).  Seems legit to run one copy fo an ETBT land to make Prime Time fly on attack...

Also I really think that this deck could benefit from one Azusa, Lost but Seeking or Oracle of Mul daya (or both).

Last edited by gumgodMTG (2013-10-25 12:59:31)

Re: [Casual] U/G Landfall deck.

I'll second gumgodMTG on the Hedron Crab as it really doesn't fit what you're doing.

That being said, you really need to guarantee that you're hitting land drops (or more than one) per turn.  Again, gumgodMTG is right on the mark here with Asusa and Oracle of Mul Daya, but you can also abuse things like Khalni Heart Expedition, Rampant Growth, Farseek (to a lesser degree), Cultivate, Nature's Lore, Exploration, Explore, Rites of Flourishing and the list goes on.

Another thing to consider is taking advantage of the flicker effects that were in AVR to really abuse landfall.  Specifically, you can combo Archaeomancer/Mnemonic Wall with Ghostly Flicker to ensure that you will hit an extra landfall trigger per turn - as you flicker the creature and one of the lands you used to cast it... as the spell must resolve first for the creatures to flicker, you get the land back untapped (and triggering landfall) AND the creature's ETB ability lets you snag Ghostly Flicker right back out of the yard.

Yet, outside of a few moderate sized threats, I'm not sure this deck gets the job done as there really isn't much benefit from having like 20 lands at your disposal.  You would be best suited to toss in at least one more Rampaging Baloths, top out Baloth Woodcrasher as a 4x, and then perhaps 2x (or potentially more) of some other huge casting cost threat - I'm thinking Primordial Hydra that will reward you for having 7+ lands on the field.

What to drop to put these cards in, well, that's not all that hard, I'd knock Roil Elemental down to 2x as he can be nasty, but with only 2 toughness, is rather fragile (and creates opportunities for you to get blown out in combat).  Hedron Crab, as has already been noted, doesn't really fit here.  To be honest, I'm not sure about Tideforce Elemental over just having 4x Grazing Gladehart.  Additionally, Groundswell is kinda just a bit too cute for your purposes (and at only 2x, can't be considered a reliable trick).  Harrow strikes me as a fair spot to replace with Cultivate (why sack a land when you can grab one and guarantee you hit the next land drop?).  Additionally, Lignify just strikes me as completely out of place.

Some other cards you might consider:

- Some sort of removal... I know it's not very prevalent in these colors, but Curse of the Swine could actually fit your purposes here

- Things like Boundless Realms, Primeval Bounty, and Howl of the Night Pack could easily do some work here.  As could something as simple as Anthousa, Setessan Hero could be gross with a few heroic triggers

- Other big threats that will just stomp face, think ANY of the Eldrazi.  Toss an Eye of Ugin into the deck and you can grab it with Primeval Titan.

- In actuality, there was a mono-green landfall themed deck in Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014, which you can view the decklist here: … s#girundar

Anywhom, I hope some of that helps...