Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

fairportmagic wrote:

dude I don't know why you are trying to make 15 cents sound like a huge deal. I'm just trying to find people that want to turn basic lands into format staples. Just because I refused to trade a deathrite for what you were offering. you wanted a $1 each when I stated here what I was willing to trade them at. My cards might as well have magical pixie dust on them because it turns cards that many people on here got one of in every booster pack they got for a 1 year period into format staples

I told you this the other day. People are going to continue to call you out until you start paying a fair price.

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

just because you and one other person is mad because I wouldn't trade a deathrite for full arts at a value of $1 each. I will say this again, I'm allowed to value stuff at what I want to. I'm not ripping people off by asking them to trade it at a lower price. If someone wants to they can and they have. I'm offering to take cheap cards for format staples. Find other people doing that. IF you don't like it move on. A trade is only bad or good if one end is unhappy. If both parties are happy then it's a fair trade

If someone else is trading staples away for full art zendikar lands at full price with no trade down let me know, I need more dark confidants. The other guy complaining n this thread saying he'll trade fro them at .80 will most likely not trade expensive cards for them.

Also when I say I want some trade down bonus I mean extra value in the form of more lands or a lower end rare throw in (like a dreadbore)

Last edited by fairportmagic (2013-10-31 22:13:12)

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

fairportmagic wrote:

I will say this again, I'm allowed to value stuff at what I want to.

He is right and I will ask everyone to stop 'calling him out'. It is his own prerogative to trade/sell his cards at whatever value he sees fit. It is a buyers/trader prerogative to negotiate, privately, for a price they deem fair. Continued harassment by users will result in actions being taken.

Edit: I can spell.

Profile   |   Foil Traders Community
Free yourself from yourself

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

bump. Also have an unhinged forest I'd like to turn into zendikar lands. Would do any 8 zen lands for it.

Last edited by fairportmagic (2013-10-28 17:05:39)

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

UnstableFlux wrote:
fairportmagic wrote:

I will say this again, I'm allowed to value stuff at what I want to.

He is right and I will ask everyone to stop 'calling him out'. It is his own prerogative to trade/sell his cards at whatever value he sees fit. It is a buyers/trader prerogative to negotiate, privately, for a price they deem fair. Continued harassment by users will result in actions being taken.

Edit: I can spell.

He's ripping people off, and somehow that's OK because people have traded at the wrong price before (due to a bug in deckbox)? Getting called out as a lowballer is "harassment"?

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

He is not forcing anyone trade at a price that he/she disagrees with. If you want to talk about this, please continue it in a trade or email to myself or another mod.

Profile   |   Foil Traders Community
Free yourself from yourself

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

I never traded at the deckbox value, always at 75 cents each. people know what these are worth dude. It was only like that in your trade cause you said you wanted to do tcg mid trade and I assumed the cards you put in were priced at tcg mid. Stop being mad cause our trade didn't work out. I'd like to request a ban from the group if he continues to harass me.

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

I believe I have gotten all the lands I need. Just worked out a big trade for 94 lands so that along with a trade for 21 has gotten me the desired amount

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

Edited by UnstableFlux

Last edited by fairportmagic (2013-10-31 22:10:10)

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

Edited by UnstableFlux

Last edited by Lmeise (2013-10-31 22:24:31)

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

fairpointmagic and Lmeise: The public forum is not a place for this. If you have any issues please keep them out of community and general forums. There are plenty of other options for you two to communicate and this place is not one of them. Since this was not a completed trade deckbox cannot do anything about it. However, if you two continue to harass each other I will intervene.

Profile   |   Foil Traders Community
Free yourself from yourself

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

*removed by user*

Last edited by fairportmagic (2013-10-31 22:37:14)

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

fairportmagic wrote:

*removed by user*

Just so you know, I did get a screen shot of the post wink

Either way, thank you for removing it on your own. I wasn't going to remove it, but a part needed to be taken out.

Profile   |   Foil Traders Community
Free yourself from yourself

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

I could trade you the lands you and your playgroup need.  I won't offer any 'trade up bonus' for you, and will only trade them at actual TCGplayer mids (listed in the stickied post at the top of this form - look like most are going for $0.84-$0.96).  Also, only interested in trading for some of the format staples in your inventory.  Let me know if you think we can work something out.

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

no thanks. Like I stated I'm only gonna trade them on my terms and I would not trade for them with out trade down bonus. I know what I'm asking isn't for everyone but I will find someone. I'd trade proxys for the land at tcg mid if I have to but anything else it's 75 cents each and if you want $5+ and format staple I expect a little bonus on my end, nothing unreasonable. Think of it this way. When opening those packs back then you opened a booster box it is equivalent to opening deathrite and then some just in the land slot. I wish I played during the block but here I am. I am not sitting here with nothing. I got cards worth the lands. I just need to find a player with a ton of lands looking to cash in big. Take the lands to your local shop and see what they'll give you, I doubt they'd give you the 50 cents cash, maybe they would give you that store credit

Last edited by fairportmagic (2013-11-01 04:51:39)

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

fairportmagic wrote:

Think of it this way. When opening those packs back then you opened a booster box it is equivalent to opening deathrite and then some just in the land slot. I wish I played during the block but here I am.

I bought these at bulk prices, and you can too (and probably should).  Good luck.

Last edited by grossoggodeckbox (2013-11-01 05:10:39)

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

t's what I am trying to do. you just said you got it at a fair price so pass on the karma and still get some nice cards.

Last edited by fairportmagic (2013-11-01 13:59:50)

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

fairportmagic wrote:

what I am trying to do. you just said you got it at a fair price so pass on the karma and still get some nice cards.

I'll trade you for a staple or two, I value fetches at 3.00. People got these out of packs for 5.00 and I want to make some money so I think 3.00 is a fair evaluation of these cards.

Last edited by joecat (2013-11-01 06:09:55)

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

I would do 10 lands for a sword of body and mind

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

Joe cat, please don't start things, it's not even the same thing. you didn't get a fetch in every pack and fetches are $50 not 90 cents each mid. I am asking for like 15 cent difference. I have a sword of body and mind I'd consider trading but not for 10 lands. I'd hold onto it for anything less than 20 (It's a sword, it's gonna jump to $20 at some point, it's for trade, just the offer would have to be high enough for me to say why not)

I;m not trying to make money I'm just trying to get nicer land for my playgroup to use when we cube, if I wanted to trade/buy them at full retail I would have but ti's not worth it to me

UnstableFlux- Joe continues to "call me out", can you please take some sort of further action cause it appears he continues to lurk and just waits for chances to criticize my choice to exercise my right to value cards at a price I want to

Last edited by fairportmagic (2013-11-01 14:01:21)

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

I think we reached the point where Fairport's valuing has been questioned enough. Unless you have a legitimate offer please refrain from posting.

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

Thank you.

Also for overseas people, I honestly don't like sending out of my country unless I was getting all the lands I needed, and then I feel the cost of shipping wouldn't be fair for you. I feel it's best to stick to the united states and MAYBE Canada

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

BUMP. Just updated my trade list, everything is current now. I will also be adding some of the stuff from the new commander decks to it

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

Bump, will add commander stuff soon, f you are looking for anything specific let me know.

At this point I'd almost rather just buy them so if you want to sell I'm buying them at 55 cents each (to help cover shipping)

Last edited by fairportmagic (2013-11-04 12:22:58)

Re: W: Full Art Zendikar lands H: traidlist, cash

bump, updated tradelist