Topic: How do I Delver...

Hey guys!

So i'm trying to get into modern, and am testing out my decks in my casual group for the time (Nothing needs to be ground breaking). I would like to try out Delver, but I wasn't around in the Scars / Innistrad seasons when Delver was huge. I tinkered with it in DGM standard, but it was pretty much not a thing at that point. I've no idea how the deck is supposed to work, and would like some insight; Perhaps from someone who used this deck in its prime?
I understand that ponder and preordain were apparently the best things ever for Delver, so I made sure to include some of those type effects in my build. I will post up the list that I came up with in a bit. It's in essence a UW control shell with Delver things in it. I would prefer to keep it UW as I don't want to buy up the duals to add red or go RUG.

Thanks for the help!

Edit: here's my list so far. I pretty much just threw it together today with things that I had, so any suggestions for things to trade for would be sweet!

Last edited by DarrenM (2013-10-29 04:00:36)

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Re: How do I Delver...

You're high on lands. Its not a Control Deck Delver runs more like a tempo in most of the modern I've seen (I play R/U delver homebrew)

Look at stuff like God's Willing, Serum Visions, Path to Exile and Telling Time if you'd like to be competitive in modern. With the right mana base you could go into Red as well opening up Magma Jets

Re: How do I Delver...

Primer on the UR delver list in modern.  Just food for thought. … er_primer/

Re: How do I Delver...

So i've got an updated list:

Its still rather budgeted at the moment, and I don't have any of the lands that I need so that current set up will have to do for the time being.

Is Young Pyromancer something that I should be using in this build? In testing, he's been pretty good with all of the cheap spells in the deck, especially if I get im out turn 2.

And in regards to "Delver = Tempo", Im not too familiar with what that means, though with what i've seen of other delver decks,  they seem to run along the same lines as this one. Could I get some input on this newer build?

-I'm also looking to trade for a few more copies of the staple cards in here that I only have as 1 or 2 of's, if anyone would be willing to help out. Dissipate, electrolyze, and Lightning Helix are the biggest things on my need list-

Buying cards for store inventory, check my profile!

Re: How do I Delver...

Tempo in magic refers to the natural rhythm at which you play spells.  1 mana, 1 drop, 2 mana, 2 drop... etc.   There are ways to increase tempo with ramp (mana dorks, fetching extra lands), or "cheating" cards out into play without casting them etc.  Drawing additional cards is a kind of tempo too.

There are also ways to decrease your opponents tempo.  Cards like azorius charm are tempo cards. they put an attacking creature back on top of your opponents library.  This makes them sink additional mana into the same creature and limits the new draws they get it essentially sets them back a turn.

Decks that build around this strategy, seek to stall/control the game and slow it down to a point that they can manipulate the board and just generally take over. Tempo decks are just a kind of control deck really, but it's not usually permission/denial based with counters.

Re: How do I Delver...

There's an extensive article on tempo in an aggro deck here: … academy/12

It starts really basic, but it covers a lot by the end.

Last edited by gumgodMTG (2013-10-31 17:53:43)

Re: How do I Delver...

I've updated this list once again, and i'm looking for some more feedback on it.

I am slowly looking to transform it into a UWR delver list that uses Geist of Saint Traft, Steppe linx, and Path to exile, once I get them.

For the time being, this is what i've got. I'm also working on expanding the landbase into a sort of IND-RTR Standard manabase with the shocks and the checks. Fetches seem to be out of the question because no one is willing to trade them away.

Changes that I already have planned:
Vapor Snag --> Path to Exile
Faerie Conclave --> Celestial Colonnade
Azorius Charm --> Lightning helix

If you have any other changes that you could suggest, I'd love to hear em.
Also, What do you think of Young Pyromancer in this current build?


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