Topic: Hexproof stnd

Looking for some feedback on my hexproof standard deck.

Any thoughts on improving it would be great smile
I really like the idea of hexproof but I don't want the deck cost to go up too much.
I really dont want to add voices because they are so pricey.

I didn't really know what to side so I just put in some random cards.

Last edited by riicchan (2013-11-04 01:39:44)

Re: Hexproof stnd

So the basic idea isn't half bad, but it really lacks the punch that you used to see in the Bant Hexproof decks because of the relatively low number of creatures that actually have hexproof these days.  Before the appeal was to use either Invisible Stalker, mostly for the unblockable part, or Geist of Saint Traft, mostly for the angel tokens, and pump the crap out of them with enchantments.  The real strength was that there were relatively few ways to deal with those guys before... now, well, Celestial Flare, Devour Flesh, Anger of the Gods, Supreme Verdict and a variety of other tools are available to work against you.

As a result, you have only 11 hexproof creatures, meaning you're unlikely to have more than 1-2 creatures out at any given point in time.  As a result, you're likely going to get wiped out pretty hard by a single hit.  In the current meta, you likely could perform alright against most decks, specifically mono-black devotion is likely weak against you, but anything that overloads Cyclonic Rift or holds a board wipe is just going to clear you out rather easily.  It's worth a shot

To the specific details of the deck, you DEFINITELY need to up Witchstalker to 4x and could consider some other creatures in addition to potentially adding Alpha Authority to your list of enchantments.  I would say to drop the Elvish Mystics as it's not like you're really struggling to hit a high curve, so the ramping isn't really necessary.

Aside from those changes, it looks about right, but again, I don't know how good the strategy will be these days.

Lastly, for the sideboard, I would suggest thinking about what types of decks are normally present at your local FNM.  If it's a control-centric crowd, figure out the pieces that would best serve you to combat control builds and slide them in (I'm thinking Rootborn Defenses, Bramblecrush, and things of that nature).  Alternately, if it's an aggro crowd, you'll likely want to slip in things like Trostani, Selesnya's Voice, Call of the Conclave, and things of that like.  If it's mid-range, well, you're already pretty well suited there, but a few copies of Sphere of Safety might be fun.

Re: Hexproof stnd

So I spent the week testing the deck against my friend who plays mono black. It's pretty bad. haha

i upped the witchstalkers like you said and took out the mystics. Devour flesh sucks. hmm
I think I'm going to scrap this deck it's not very viable :c

Re: Hexproof stnd

Sorry to hear that.  If you had some sort of token generation to create more sack targets, perhaps that'd help.  But in all likelihood, yeah, there are enough edict effects that hexproof doesn't go as far.  You really just lost too much of the firepower with rotation...

Re: Hexproof stnd

i wanna make a deck out of fleecemanes and boon satyrs since i have 4 of each, any thoughts in a direction i should go?

i still wanna keep the deck fairly cheap since the hexproof one i had was really cheap

Re: Hexproof stnd

you have most of a decent G/W aggro/midrange there.

Soldier of the Pantheon, Experiment One, Brave the Elements are the major things to look for. Maybe some Scavenging Ooze or Voice if you have them.

Re: Hexproof stnd

Selesnya Aggro is going to be the way to go.  Here's the list my GF ran at Theros Gameday - she did alright, but some mana-screw cost her a top 8 spot (I'm thinking she needs to mulligan more aggressively).

Alternately, I think Craig Wescoe recently did an article on Selesnya aggo featuring Boon Satyrs.  I'd give it a look too... the biggest thing I can say you'll need will be Advent of the Wurm (it really does make all the difference).