Topic: Have: A BUNCH of cards from the 2013 pre-cons and my tradelist

Hello everyone! I figured I'd drop a post in since I finally entered all the cards I got from the Commander 2013 pre-cons I bought. I've taken out and sold a portion of them, but have over half of them that went straight to my tradelist. There are cards from every deck, as I acquired at least one copy of each set. I have the filler as well as some of the good cards (including commanders) for trade. I also have all of the oversized foil commander cards which came with the decks for trade, valued at $1 a piece. On top of that, I have the rest of my trades up for grabs.

I'm looking for stuff on my wishlist, especially to complete my two new EDH decks (Ben-Ben and Dosan) and my Modern deck. I should also note that if you don't have things on my wishlist, we can probably still work out a trade, just start up a trade with me and I'll look through your trades.

Thanks for looking, and happy trading!

Looking for Tenth Edition NM Raging Goblins!!!

Re: Have: A BUNCH of cards from the 2013 pre-cons and my tradelist

I want some Sol Rings, Command Towers, and your Karmic Guide.

I collect Requiem Angel and am always willing to take one in a trade.

Profile | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Have: A BUNCH of cards from the 2013 pre-cons and my tradelist

Eh, I don't know if I want to part with any of the Sol Rings. Perhaps one Command Tower. I do have 9 EDH decks to supply, so I do kinda want those. Very willing to trade the Karmic guide, though

Looking for Tenth Edition NM Raging Goblins!!!

Re: Have: A BUNCH of cards from the 2013 pre-cons and my tradelist

Let me try to remind you of what you said earlier tonight. Excuse me if I cannot remember it word for word.
"I don't want to just throw Sol Ring in all of my decks just because it's Sol Ring."
To which I replied,
"Exactly, it's Sol Ring."

I collect Requiem Angel and am always willing to take one in a trade.

Profile | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Have: A BUNCH of cards from the 2013 pre-cons and my tradelist

And I won't be. I do not have 9 Sol Rings. I have 6. 5 or 6 of my decks will be getting Sol Rings, because they belong in them.

Looking for Tenth Edition NM Raging Goblins!!!

Re: Have: A BUNCH of cards from the 2013 pre-cons and my tradelist

I have 7 EDH decks. Sol Ring belongs in 7 of them.

I collect Requiem Angel and am always willing to take one in a trade.

Profile | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Have: A BUNCH of cards from the 2013 pre-cons and my tradelist

Honestly I think sol ring is overrated. It's only good in the first couple turns and I you draw it late game it's a dead draw and the only way to ensure getting it early enough to make it useful is to run tutoring cards for it to get it out or run similar cards like mana vault, mana crypt, grim monolith, etc. which just eats up more useful spots. Plus it's on of the easiest kill targets being an artifact and usually never gives you a dramatic enough upper hand to win the game. I'd rather run cards that pull lands out of the deck because that ramps you and supplies you with one of the hardest cards to kill being that not many people run land destruction in edh, and if they do run it, it usually appears in tech edge, wasteland, strip mine, etc to blow up awesome non basics.