Topic: Out of Ideas - - - - Who has suggestions
I've run out of ideas for making decks, and the $$ to make them. I figure there has to be something I can make out of the cards I have but I just can't figure out what.
My play style is non-aggressive (But I could be persuaded). If you look at my profile my favourite decks are my EDH Sliver and my White Life. I like to have multiple WIN conditions and combinations (it keeps the opponent guessing).
Some thoughts had been some sort of Spell COPY deck, things like Rebound, dual casting, flashback.
I had also thought about some sort of Angel deck, or an Angel/Demon Deck. Another idea had been a clone creature deck or some variant of a Token deck.
If anyone can come up with something I'd be very grateful, I'm starting to get bored with the decks I have but I just can't seem to come up with anything on my own using what I have.