Topic: Out of Ideas - - - - Who has suggestions

I've run out of ideas for making decks, and the $$ to make them.  I figure there has to be something I can make out of the cards I have but I just can't figure out what.
My play style is non-aggressive (But I could be persuaded).  If you look at my profile my favourite decks are my EDH Sliver and my White Life.  I like to have multiple WIN conditions and combinations (it keeps the opponent guessing).

Some thoughts had been some sort of Spell COPY deck, things like Rebound, dual casting, flashback.
I had also thought about some sort of Angel deck, or an Angel/Demon Deck.  Another idea had been a clone creature deck or some variant of a Token deck.

If anyone can come up with something I'd be very grateful, I'm starting to get bored with the decks I have but I just can't seem to come up with anything on my own using what I have.

Re: Out of Ideas - - - - Who has suggestions

I'm assuming that you're looking for casual decks?

If not, what format are you going for?

If you're going casual, there's always tribal decks. Vampires, Merfolk, Spiders, Angels or Demons as you mentioned...
Some of the decks that my friends use are Mono Blue Flyers, Mono White Soldiers, Casual Tron (Essentially a bunch of cheap creatures and multiple copies of the Kaldra pieces), Slivers, Mono Red Burn...
If you're looking for casual, I can continue to list off ideas that I've seen.

If you're looking for competitive, it's really format dependant.

Buying cards for store inventory, check my profile!

Re: Out of Ideas - - - - Who has suggestions

I only ever play with friends so format is not important at all.  Our rules are simple, if its a card that Wizards printed then you can put it in your deck.

Re: Out of Ideas - - - - Who has suggestions

If that's the case, you need to build an Unglued / hinged deck.

But for realzies, some more casual deck themes:

Mono Black Bogbrew Witch
Mono Green Hydras
BR Discard
Tokens (Can be done in just about every color. Prominent ones are WB, WG, WR, WRB)
Auras (WUG, W, WG)
Maze's End
WG Giants (Big Creatures and things to make them bigger)
Mono White Life gain
Mono Red Dragons
GB Graveyard Shenanigans
UR Replication (your copy spells idea)
GW, GU, G Counters (Things that abuse +1/+1 counters)
Infect (Some combination of UBG)
Mono Blue Counters (60% Counterspells, 35% Land, 5% Win Conditions)
Superfriends in any colors (Planeswalkers and things to support them)
Anti _______ (Take one of your friend's decks and build to stop whatever they're doing)

That's about all i've got in terms of Themed decks, that i've seen at least.

Buying cards for store inventory, check my profile!

Re: Out of Ideas - - - - Who has suggestions

So I came up with an Infect deck and a Golem deck.  The infect deck I think is fairly decent for what it is.  The Golem deck needs a bit of work though as I'm not quite at the 60 card mark and I don't actually have a Blade Splicer or a Titan forge.

Comments or suggestions?