Topic: Change number of inventory rows displayed

It would be nice to be able to change the number of rows per page when going through your inventory. I'd like to be able to see more than the 30 or so, possibly even all cards at once.

(or is there already a way to do this I'm not seeing)

Re: Change number of inventory rows displayed

I posted the same question before, but got ignored. I guess there is no such option. hmm

Re: Change number of inventory rows displayed

This would be nice to have, especially for the tradelist and wishlist... browsing someones haves/wants is too much of a pain when I have to keep switching between pages. Makes ctrl+f useless too. I ended up creating public decks that just match my wishlist/tradelist so others can more easily search them... though they don't have the usual info. (set, condition, foil, etc)