Topic: Change trading opps on profile to a link

I am experiencing a large amount of lag every time I click on another user's profile.  Can the trading opportunities that are listed between myself and that user be turned off unless I click a link on their page? I have a lot of cards on my wishlist and it seems that when the server is checking which cards I have that he wants and visa verse, I sit and wait for the page to load when I only wanted to see the trader's profile information.

There could be a link at the bottom of the page: "Show trading opportunities with this user."  If I want to see them, I'll click it.

Also, it would be nice if I could search the user's tradelist from their profile without loading all of our trading opportunities.

Re: Change trading opps on profile to a link

I don't like the idea of adding more clicks to navigating the site.  Most of the time if I'm loading someone's profile, it's to see this information.  However I have no objection to this being an optional setting that you can set in your settings page on your profile.  For me it also doesn't seem to create a lot of delays.

Re: Change trading opps on profile to a link

Thanks for the report, I will look at this. Probably for the beginning I'll just add pagination to that list, so you only get 10 or so rendered at a time. Performance should be fine afterwards!

Re: Change trading opps on profile to a link

sebi wrote:

Thanks for the report, I will look at this. Probably for the beginning I'll just add pagination to that list, so you only get 10 or so rendered at a time. Performance should be fine afterwards!

I am not excited about paginating this because I usually copy and paste the entire list into excel so I can sort and find items by price easily.  I'd really just like to have it be a feature that we can turn on or off in our own profiles like the previous replier added or just leave it the same.  I can experience some lag if need be.  I'd rather not do pagination, though.