Topic: Standard: Gain Life and Grow

So the idea around this deck is to have both quantity and frequency of life gain to play a large Voracious Wurm, and to make the Archangel of Thune (and all other creatures) larger as well.  The biggest balance is between life gain frequency and life gain amount.   I currently have Experiment One in the one spot.  Experiment One can evolve at least twice from every creature in the deck except other Experiment One's.   The Voracious Wurm may cost only two mana, but I consider this creature a minimum of a 5 cost, so I would prefer to wait to cast the Wurm when I have gained 3 or more life in a turn.

Spells that provide Life Gain Quantity:
Centaur Healer
Predator's Rapport
Ordeal of Heliod
Bow of Nylea
Archangel of Thune

Spells that provide Life Gain frequency
Staff of the Wild Magus
Bow of Nylea
Archangel of Thune

Questions and Concerns:

Would the Soldier of  the Pantheon or Soulmender be better suited for the one spot instead of the Experiment One?

Is there better removal than using Arrest and Pacifism for the colors I have?

Any other suggestions for creatures that maintain the same focus of the deck?  I expect this deck to be slower, and chances are I will be taking a few hits in the beginning, but I am ok with that so long as I can gain life consistently to have time and setup the larger combos.

Re: Standard: Gain Life and Grow

your going to have trouble in a competitive tournament against RDW and esper/azorius. RDW is so fast you have to drop a centraur healer turn 3 and control just doesn't care about your life total.
Soldier of pantheon is an amazing card but exp one is just as viable with you dropping centaurs.
Archangel of thune is a good card but it dies to everything.
Staff of the wild magus seems slow but fits in your current scheme.
If you sideboard for faster decks (RDW, Selesnya aggro) this could be a viable deck.

Re: Standard: Gain Life and Grow

Voracious Wurm + Heroes' Reunion is a 9/9 on turn 4. Last time I checked, that's pretty difficult to beat.

If I were to build a GW Life based deck, I would want to focus around Angelic Accord. That means that I'm focusing on gaining at least 4 life every turn. Once you have that, the game just falls into place. If your intent is to just gain life, you may feel content if you're gaining an average of 1-2 life per turn. Unfortunately, most quality aggro decks can do more than 3 damage every turn without breaking much of a sweat.

So while you already have a decent idea of what you want to be doing, I would suggest ramping it up a bit. Some things that you definitely can benefit from would be the Angelic Accord, which provides you with bodies that you may otherwise be lacking when you choose to turn on the life gain package. Riot control could really benefit you, as it will essentially buy you an extra turn, on top of pushing you even more forward in the life race. For another real bomb, you can put in Nylea's Disciple. You will spend your first few turns filling your board with green things (Experiment one T1, Caryatid T2, Bow of Nylea T3), then drop the disciple to gain 6 on turn 4, and have plenty of decent sized bodies to work with.

I really like the bow of nylea in this build, because 3 life per turn can really snowball in a drawn out game. I think 2 is a solid number for this build.

If you ever want to do well with any deck in this meta game, you're going to need lots of, or no removal. The removal that you have right now - Pacifism and Arrest -, while they can be effective, won't really get the job done against the aggro match up. I've learned by trying to play the same number of Chained to the Rocks + Detention Sphere in my UWR list that just having 7 removal enchantments won't cut it today. Not to mention that Chained and DSphere are more effective than Arrest or Pacifism. Right now, GW doesn't have too much else in the way of removal, so I would forgo it entirely. You aren't building up to white devotion, and by playing the enchantments over something that will advance your state is just going to slow down your whole game. If you feel that you really need removal though, I'd play a playset of Selesnya Charm. It will deal with anything that your centaurs and such can't (Desecration Demon?)

I can understand how Predator's Rapport and Staff of the Wild Magus may seem glamorous in a life gain build, but they're really not all too fantastic. The staff won't be doing anything near as much as other cards in these colors will, and by the time you'd want to play the Rapport, you should already be winning anyway, and you shouldn't need the extra life (Sure, gaining 40 life off of a 20/20 wurm seems awesome, but you have a 20/20 wurm... You don't need 40 life on top of that).

Your current creature suite seems pretty solid right now, actually. If anything, I'd put in the Soldier of the Pantheons just to have more options for turn 1. They evolve your experiments, and can help out in the control matches with the pro-multicolor.

That's about all I could think of at the moment to help out with this. Hope your changes are successful!

Buying cards for store inventory, check my profile!

Re: Standard: Gain Life and Grow

This is all good feedback thus far, but how in the world has nobody mentioned the addition of Trostani, Selesnya's Voice?  Seriously, with Angelic Accord you're essentially sitting on - pay three, gain four, get an angel.  Toss in the Voracious Wurm and it'll never be less than a 3/3 coming into play. 

I'd also suggest running Advent of the Wurm in some number, if for no other reason, than to provide some added populate targets (also because a 5/5 trample for 4 is pretty good).

As for removal, Selesnya Charm, Last Breath, Celestial Flare, and even Time to Feed are probably better options than Pacifism or Arrest.

Re: Standard: Gain Life and Grow

I was thinking that he was budget oriented... Totally forgot that archangel is a $20 card.

But yes, if you can, add all the trostanis. As Ty said, with angelic accord, you'll pay 3 for 8 flying power and 4 life (1 angel from Trostani's populate, 1 from the 4 life you'll get EoT). With Bow of Nylea as your early game engine, and this as your late game engine, you should have no problem outlasting any aggro deck.

I also second Advent of the Wurm. At best, it's a 5/5 for 4 that will net you 5 life and an angel on your opponent's turn. At worst, you take out their counterspell for 4 mana and are free to bash them with your already huge field.

And on that note, if control is a problem for you, Loxodon Smiter is a fabulous 3 drop that you can add. Cant be countered, will net you another angel with your trostani accord combo, and offers a huge body very early.

Buying cards for store inventory, check my profile!

Re: Standard: Gain Life and Grow

If you wanted to go another route entirely, it is also possible to abuse Angelic Accord using Orzhov colors (B/W).  Between extort triggers, the lifelink provided by Whip of Erebos, and Obzedat, you'll be dumping angel tokens into play rather easily.  I don't know why it never struck me before and I'm actually going to piece together a build looking at the Whip - Obzedat - Accord combo to see whether it's viable or not.

For what it's worth, you'll certainly have access to better removal that way...

Re: Standard: Gain Life and Grow

wow, thank you all so much for the great advice.  I am making some changes to the deck based on this.  You all are awesome, and I appreciate the help.

Re: Standard: Gain Life and Grow

Preface to posting, I am just starting to look into competative play,

Have you thought about the interplay of Fabled Hero and Unflinching Courage,
with nothing else, that gives you a 5/5 lifelink trample double strike

(yes he would be a target for removal, but one successful swing or block would give your Voracious Wurm +10)

Re: Standard: Gain Life and Grow

PicoDiGanyo wrote:

Preface to posting, I am just starting to look into competative play,

Have you thought about the interplay of Fabled Hero and Unflinching Courage,
with nothing else, that gives you a 5/5 lifelink trample double strike

(yes he would be a target for removal, but one successful swing or block would give your Voracious Wurm +10)

Sadly this is the definition of a "win more" situation where, if you're already sitting on a 5/5 lifelink, trample, double-strike creature, getting a 12/12 Voracious Wurm isn't all that relevant, given that you're likely already winning the game.  It also requires a LOT of things to go correctly for this to work.

I think there's a junk deck in here somewhere, but it's just not there yet.  I'd wait until Born of the Gods because the pairings of Trostani, Selesnya's Voice, Obzedat, Ghost Council, Angelic Accord, and Whip of Erebos are quite powerful...