Topic: H: List. W: 1 Breeding Pool, 4 Charbelcher, 4 Simian Spirit Guide +

Building Forest Belcher for modern, looking for the following:

1 Breeding Pool
4 Goblin Charbelcher
4 Simian Spirit Guide
4 Sakura-Tribe Elder
4 Wall of Roots
2 Chancellor of the Tangle
1 Harrow
2 Lay of the Land
4 Safewright Quest
3 Fabricate
4 Recross the Paths
4 Utopia Sprawl

Tradelist should be up to date.

Re: H: List. W: 1 Breeding Pool, 4 Charbelcher, 4 Simian Spirit Guide +

I've got a breeding pool. Please open a trade with me, on mobile and it's a humongous pain to do.