Topic: Looking for offers (new to site)

i have currently:
2 Garruk, Caller of Beasts (1 English 1 Japanese) (M14)
2 Hero's Downfall (Theros)

Last edited by Eliterawr (2013-12-01 05:00:59)

Re: Looking for offers (new to site)

just got a
(extra) Polukranos, world eater ((from HvM))
2 soldier  of pantheon
foil Rakdos Cackler
4 unflinching courage (only mentioning bc they are popular around me)
2 firefist striker (only mentioning bc they are popular around me)
1 Bonescythe Sliver
1 Medomai the Ageless

2 Magma Jet (one with old art((from HvM)) 1 new)
2 Imposing Sovereign
1 crypt ghast
1 Prophet of Kruphix
2 Strionic Resonator
1 epic experiment
1 Melek, Izzet Paragon
1 spark trooper
1 Ajani's Chosen
1 Psychic Intrusion
1 Quicken
1 Maze's End (promo)

_Non standard_
1 Magmaquake (m13)
1 Stuffy Doll (m13)
2 Firewing Phoenix (m13)
1 elderscale wurm (m13)

Last edited by Eliterawr (2013-12-01 05:00:28)

Re: Looking for offers (new to site)

i am currently looking for a trade involving my 2x heros downfall
or a good trade for my garruk or 2

i currently want
shocks, Full art lands, (still) Stormbreath dragons, and really need 4 nightveils, but again im open to most trades

currently running a Gruul deck (FNM deck), Blue devo (possible 2nd FNMdeck) , and Green Devo (and possibly 3rd)

really could use my garruks for my green devo but if someone needs them and offers something worthwhile im willing to part with them

Re: Looking for offers (new to site)


Re: Looking for offers (new to site)

I've got a few of those that you want but I'm not looking for hero's. check out my list if there's anything else you might have.



H: Tradelist | W: Standard cards on my wishlist
- The higher number on my want list the more I want it!

Re: Looking for offers (new to site)

I have a Japanese Master of Waves I would be interested in trading for one of your Garruk, Caller of Beasts. Any interest in anything like that?

Re: Looking for offers (new to site)

not really bc garruk is almost double MoW