Topic: How to successfully build / run a combo deck?

Hey guys!

So lately i've been tinkering with a combo in standard that I found rather interesting. However, I've never run a combo oriented deck, so I really have no idea what I'm doing. The combo involves 3 cards, so that takes up 12 spots in the deck. I plan on having 25 lands, but that's as far as I have gotten. What should go in the other 23 spots? I'm thinking that it needs to be a sort of control package with tons of removal and such, I'm just not sure what needs to be included or what kinds of cards protect combos.

My local meta is mostly heavy aggro (GW, Rakdos, Mono red) with a couple of Esper control decks about.

Thanks for any help!

Last edited by DarrenM (2013-12-01 16:06:01)

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Re: How to successfully build / run a combo deck?

It would probably be a good idea to tell us the combo so that we can perhaps think of cards that help supplement/protect it.

I'm not an expert with combo decks but my understanding is that the remainder of the deck is meant to support the combo and to help ensure you draw all the necessary pieces.  So to that end, tutor effects, card draw/advantage, cantrips, stalling spells, things of that nature.

Re: How to successfully build / run a combo deck?

Oh, derp...

The combo needs a Zhur-taa Druid and Elite Arcanist on the field. When casting Elite Arcanist, Exile Triton Tactics, then use the mana from the druid to repeatedly play tactics, targeting both creatures. Each time this is done, the druid pings, resulting in infinite damage.

So I would be looking for standard stuff in the RUG colors.

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Re: How to successfully build / run a combo deck?

Hrm... it's certainly a fragile setup... given that neither is more than a 1/1 and you're relying on it resolving.  That being said, you're going to want to add mana fixing, card draw, and things of that nature.

All that being said, I don't know that I'd really go for it given the fact that you're not going to be able to set it off any earlier than T4 and NEED to draw perfect mana and those three cards.  I mean if you're just wanting to see what the hell happens, go for it... but I would think of some other applications of the three combo cards and build a deck looking for those avenues with the combo as a nice added little trick.  So with Triton Tactics I'm thinking some sort of heroic triggers?  I could see something like Staunch-Hearted Warrior or Centaur Battlemaster getting out of hand.  Triton Fortune Hunter would provide some rather amusing card draw.  Elvish Mystic and Opaline Unicorn could at least start the loop - although they don't really offer any added benefit other than normal ramping/fixing and giving both of them alarmingly high toughnesses...

Yeah... sounds pretty fragile and unreliable... sorry...