Topic: W: Stirring Wildwood x1, Raging Ravine x1, Splinter Twin x2

Looking for the cards in the title - shoot me a trade ~

Last edited by perfectchaos007 (2013-12-06 05:26:45)

Re: W: Stirring Wildwood x1, Raging Ravine x1, Splinter Twin x2


I have a German Oblivion Stone that I would love to put towards this...

Re: W: Stirring Wildwood x1, Raging Ravine x1, Splinter Twin x2

I have a lot of modern jund for sale if that interests you.

Re: W: Stirring Wildwood x1, Raging Ravine x1, Splinter Twin x2

Bump with updated tradelist

And thanks Joe, but I'm looking to trade for as much as possible before taking the cash route ~

Re: W: Stirring Wildwood x1, Raging Ravine x1, Splinter Twin x2

The Blackcleave Cliffs have been confirmed - just looking for those Inquisitions ~

Re: W: Stirring Wildwood x1, Raging Ravine x1, Splinter Twin x2

Bump - Just need 2 Inquisitions now ~

Re: W: Stirring Wildwood x1, Raging Ravine x1, Splinter Twin x2

Also looking for 2 Stirring Wildwood and 2 Raging Ravines

Re: W: Stirring Wildwood x1, Raging Ravine x1, Splinter Twin x2

Edited opening post and cards wanted ^^

Re: W: Stirring Wildwood x1, Raging Ravine x1, Splinter Twin x2

I have 2 Splinter Twins for trade. Do you happen to still have that German Oblivion Stone?

Re: W: Stirring Wildwood x1, Raging Ravine x1, Splinter Twin x2

Unfortunately, the Stone has already been traded, but feel free to take a look and open up a trade if something interests you ~


Last edited by perfectchaos007 (2013-12-06 15:59:03)