Topic: [EDH] Maelstrom Wanderer

Hey guys!

So for the last couple of months, i've been accumulating things for my Maelstrom Wanderer deck.

I am posting because I would like some opinions on it. I'd like for it to win, but I'm also looking to have a lot of fun with it.

When building it, I had to embrace my inner timmy, who has been ignored since I began playing Magic. I figure that I needed a ton of 7 drops to cascade into, and a bunch of ramp spells to be able to play my things. However, I wasn't really sure where to go for the rest of the cards, so I'm wondering if what ended up happening is something that could work.

I'd really like to hear from someone who has experience with this commander, and find out what sort of thing worked. I've tried deck techs on youtube, but all of the videos that I could find were really just decklists with no explaination of strategy...

I know there's a few guys on here that love EDH, so I'd also just like to hear some opinions from people with more experience in the format than I have.

Thanks for any posts!

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Re: [EDH] Maelstrom Wanderer

Does your local playgroup typically play 4 person games or just one-on-one?  Depending on which that is, I don't know how much emphasis you need to place on some of your lower cmc creatures.

In either event, I could see where Animar, Soul of the Elements could be a solid addition as it will make a LOT of your stuff far easier to cast.

I'll take a longer look at the build here later and will hopefully give you some more useful feedback.

Re: [EDH] Maelstrom Wanderer

I have 2 groups of varying size, so I could be playing anywhere from 1 to 7 others.

Buying cards for store inventory, check my profile!

Re: [EDH] Maelstrom Wanderer

DarrenM wrote:

I have 2 groups of varying size, so I could be playing anywhere from 1 to 7 others.

But typically you are playing multiplayer games or one-on-one?  As obviously you can imagine the curve can be a bit steeper for multiplayer while one-on-one can you can be pressured much faster...

Re: [EDH] Maelstrom Wanderer

When I'm playing one-on-one, whomever i'm up against isn't going to have any sort of competitive deck, They're all either very slow and controlling or hastily made without any sort of plan, so I've got only about 2 turns less than I would in a Multiplayer game (on average) to get going.

So to answer your question: I'm gearing more toward a multiplayer-style deck.

Last edited by DarrenM (2013-12-06 05:23:48)

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