Topic: Is anyone actually buying True-Name Nemesis?

I see all these posts with people selling him in the Trading forum but I'm curious if anyone actually buys them.

Selling anything and everything on any of my lists

Re: Is anyone actually buying True-Name Nemesis?

They have been seeing legacy play, and my friend sold his online right after buying the deck (for more than what he paid on the pre-con).  So yeah, someone is buying them.

Re: Is anyone actually buying True-Name Nemesis?

Considering that Merfolk was fringe playable in Legacy and it's a three-drop "protection from your opponent" card, yeah, it's pretty good.  I think the biggest issue is that the market is flooded with them at the moment as it really doesn't fit the Grixis commander deck and as a result everyone is looking to unload them (and there aren't as many big legacy players as there are with the newer formats).

Re: Is anyone actually buying True-Name Nemesis?

Im thinking it will drop in value, especially since more decks are packing extra sweepers like golgari charm and toxic deluge.
This goes hand in hand when fightning Death and taxes and might make it more difficult to get him online.

Time will tell.

Re: Is anyone actually buying True-Name Nemesis?

I just bought one for $30

Re: Is anyone actually buying True-Name Nemesis?

Sell now or wait for Legacy Season. I'm thinking they will stay around the $30 mark, maybe dip to $25 until then. if you want them now for yourself $30 is not a bad price. There is limited supply so any change in demand can make this card go up or down in price quickly.



Last edited by P9CO (2013-12-08 00:21:21)


H: Tradelist | W: Standard cards on my wishlist
- The higher number on my want list the more I want it!