Topic: Trade Closed.

I bought one of those 3 pack boosters from walmart with the angel promo on the front because it had a pack in there  I had never seen before. It ended up being a Zendikar pack and boy did I hit the lottery. Got both of these cards out of one pack and was pretty happy. Both are pack fresh, into a sleeve, into my binder. I can provide scans if wanted.

I'm currently putting together a white weenie list and am unsure if I want to splash black or red, so I am looking for Sacred Foundries, Godless Shrines and Mutavaults. Really any combination. I'd possibly consider trades that included other shocklands, but only if they had some foundries/shires/mutavaults as well.

Edit - Was able to work something out for both the misty and the tarn. Thanks for all the offers though!

Last edited by Syonide (2013-12-11 00:00:17)

Re: Trade Closed.

i have 3 godless shines if you are interested in doing a trade

Re: Trade Closed.

Trade talks sent.

Re: Trade Closed.

That foil tarn still up?