Topic: W: Shackles, Wishlist H: Fetches/JTMS/$$/tradelist

hey guys! I'm looking for four Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Vedalken Shackes, and my other things on my recently updated wishlist. I'm avoiding doing smaller trades but if you have something you think I'd like feel free to toss it up! I like high end foils as well, particularly fetches!

If you have a buncha stuff on my wishlist I'm happy to break down bigger cards into them, feel free to take a look at my trades and get an idea of what I mean. If you're saving me the trouble of trading with a bunch of different people by having a bunch of stuff on my tradelist I'll toss in some value for making my life easier!

I also have dollars, but I usually try to save when I buy cards. Following is a little information on what I would be a buyer at, but trading is always preferred!

Shackles: TCG Low 6.00, available at SP from a shop with 50,000 sales at 8.97 Free shipping.

I would buy Urborgs at 11$/ea and Shackles at 6.50/ea for NM copies! If you have four copies I'll toss in a couple bucks probably, or ship you some cards too.

I typically value cash at 130% of trade value if you want to incorporate it into a trade. If you have other cards on my list feel free to let me know if you're selling them, but these cards I'm particularly looking for and would be willing to do higher cash values than I normally would on them.

I also have playsets of basically every legacy/modern staples available for a couple particulars on my tradelist, I only have five cards left until my cube is completely foiled out and in the earliest pack/promo-foil printing available:)! I don't have an inventory listed on deckbox because it would be too much work, for things I don't particularly care to have listed anyway. If it's a staple to any format I probably have it available for these cards.

Foil Jace, the Mind Sculptor (Acquired!)
Foil Rishadan Port
Foil FNM Swords to Plowshares
Foil Mercadian Masques Dark Ritual
Foil Urza's Legacy Mother of Runes
Foil 7th edition wrath of god

I also have a Mind Seize, and Jund 2013 Commander deck both unopened for trade!

Edit: Got the JTMS! Cost me my 7th ed foil wrath though from my cube, so now I need another one.

TLDR: Looking for Urbog, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Vedalken Shackles, and other things on my wishlist, trading tradelist! 

Last edited by Lmeise (2013-12-12 11:09:13)

Re: W: Shackles, Wishlist H: Fetches/JTMS/$$/tradelist

I have 3 urborgs, opening up a trade

Re: W: Shackles, Wishlist H: Fetches/JTMS/$$/tradelist

Got two urborgs worked out so far, still looking for the rest of the stuff.

Also if anyone has Misty Rainforests and wants Scalding Tarns for them I would be happy to trade tarns and some extra value for some mistys. I have lotsa tarns and am running low on mistys.

Re: W: Shackles, Wishlist H: Fetches/JTMS/$$/tradelist


Re: W: Shackles, Wishlist H: Fetches/JTMS/$$/tradelist

Jund deck gone, bump:)!

Re: W: Shackles, Wishlist H: Fetches/JTMS/$$/tradelist

Got my Urborgs! Need 4 shackles still, fifth dawn!