Topic: [Discutii] Archenemy
In curand (pana pe 1 Mai) va trebui sa anunt dorinta noastra de a organiza Launch Party pentru acest produs Magic.
Singurele informatii pe care le avem sunt urmatoarele:
You've played Magic one-on-one. You've played it in a free-for-all. But have you ever wanted to just throw down the gauntlet against all your friends at
once? Have you ever wanted to take on the whole world and show them who's the boss?Well, now you can! Archenemy is the first "One vs. Many" multiplayer product. With a deck of twenty oversized cards to beef up your favorite deck, you'll be ready to face off against as many of your friends as your kitchen table can hold. Two? Three? Twenty? Bring 'em on! Here you rule!
On June 18, become the Archenemy. There will be four different game packs, each one with a 60-card Magic deck featuring eight rares, and a 20-card oversized deck.
Release-ul va avea loc pe 19 Iunie daca ne hotaram sa-l tinem. Kit-ul va contine Unique Archenemy Promo "Scheme" Card care ma gandesc ca-s un fel de release foil-uri.
De asemenea astazi au aparut pe Daily Magic the Gathering mici descrieri ale celor 4 deck-uri despre care se vorbea mai sus.
As dori sa stiu cati dintre voi ar fi interesati de un asemenea Launch Party?
Si evident astept de la "diggerii" din voi noi info despre acest produs. Spor la sapat
Scheme Cards:
Last edited by singerete (2010-05-17 11:33:44)