Topic: H:Hero's downfall(4),Thoughtseize(4),Temple of silence(4),nykthos(3)

If your interested hit me up. I will see what you have.

Re: H:Hero's downfall(4),Thoughtseize(4),Temple of silence(4),nykthos(3)

Interested in some thoightseizes. Go ahead and have a look at my list. It should be up to date.

Re: H:Hero's downfall(4),Thoughtseize(4),Temple of silence(4),nykthos(3)

Trade Started

Re: H:Hero's downfall(4),Thoughtseize(4),Temple of silence(4),nykthos(3)

Interested in 3 thoughtsiezes and 2 d-falls, dont have that much for trade and its all standard since
i just recently started, but feel free to look at my list