Topic: [Standard] First Non-Intro Deck

So I took the Bestial Strength M14 intro deck and modified it a bit to make my own deck for open play/casual. The deck can be found here and my profile has my inventory. I'd appreciate any comments/suggestions, I have more cards than what's in my inventory right now but I have to re-enter it cause somehow something got missed in the intial adding to either here or the program on my computer so decided to start all over. Basically I have most of the Theros and M14 sets, and about half of Dragon's Maze and a few Ravnica/Gatecrash.

Thanks in advance!

Re: [Standard] First Non-Intro Deck

Since your intent is for casual play I won't go too much into what cards you should be playing in Golgari colors but instead focus on the Beast theme you've got going on and add some fun interactions.

I really like the interaction you already have with the Advocate of the Beast and Corpsejack Menace plus Kalonian Hydra.  But I think you need to up the beast count a bit to make it more fun. 

Absolutely need the 4 pack of Kalonian Tusker since this is a beast deck, recommend cutting the Accursed Spirit, the Woodborn Behemoth, and either a Giant Spider or a Rootwalla

Lotleth Troll would also be a happy addition, and also works well with Corpsejack Menace and Kalonian Hydra. 

If you have Whip of Erebos the interaction between Lotleth Troll, Kalonian Hydra, and Whip of Erebos is a really fun one to hit, especially if you can manage to have Corpsejack on the board as well. 

Since you don't have any value one-drops that you can cast on turn one, Golgari Guildgate is actually a good 4 of in this deck, replace a forest and the 3 Transguild Promenade with 4 of the guildgates. 

Example nut draw could play out like:
Turn 1: Golgari Guildgate
Turn 2: Forest, Lotleth Troll
Turn 3: Forest, Kalonian Tusker, Lotleth Troll: Discard Kalonian Hydra for +1/+1, Troll attacks with giant growth for 5 or for 3 and regenerate.
Turn 4: Swamp, Whip of Erebos, Troll and Tusker swing for 6 damage and 6 life gain.
Turn 5: Discard any creatures in your hand to pump Lotleth Troll, use Whip on Kalonian Hydra, swing with everyone Hydra for 8 trample, Troll get's all +1/+1 counters doubled swinging for at least 4 with trample, and Tusker for 3 possibly for the win.

A really fun win-condition if you ask me.  Not likely to happen just like that or that fast but later in the game with the Advocate pumping your beasts the Hydra's doubling of counters gets even better. 

I'll post a modified version of what I would do with this deck.

Re: [Standard] First Non-Intro Deck

So I modified the deck as follows:

As I mentioned in the last post we now have a 4 of Kalonian Tusker to help make the most out of our Advocates.  I also replaced the Giant Spiders with Towering Indrik as he costs the same, has the same P/T, also has reach, and also gains from the advocate of beasts.

I kept the Deadly Recluses because they are a cheap card to trade with a Nightveil Specter or even Desecration Demon or at the very least draw a hate card away from our Beasts who can get bigger. 

Added the Whip of Erebos and Lotleth Trolls, and changed the mana up a bit to be more reliable at casting them.  Added Golgari Charm as a utility spell that can whack an enchantment, clear an opponents 2/1 and 1/1 creatures, or save all of yours against a Supreme Verdict. 

Nylea will help you seal the deal by giving your beefed up Tuskers Trample and give you a mana sink for pump for mid-late game when your Nykthos can tap for ridiculous amounts of mana because of your green devotion. 

The sideboard cards aren't really a sideboard, they are just more good cards that can be swapped in to replace some other ones in case you have them.
Overgrown Tomb would be an obvious good addition if you have any.  Same idea with Abrupt Decay, Hero's Downfall, and Underworld Connections.

I like the beast theme, if you really want to run with it more, may consider adding red for some of the Gruul beasts and some bloodrush capability.

Re: [Standard] First Non-Intro Deck

drock007 wrote:

Absolutely need the 4 pack of Kalonian Tusker since this is a beast deck, recommend cutting the Accursed Spirit, the Woodborn Behemoth, and either a Giant Spider or a Rootwalla

Lotleth Troll would also be a happy addition, and also works well with Corpsejack Menace and Kalonian Hydra.

I don't have a Lotleth Troll, I'll look and see if I have something similar maybe. I'm not particularly loyal to the Beast theme, I just sorta modified a deck that had that. Would any sort of 2 mana creature be helpful?

drock007 wrote:

If you have Whip of Erebos the interaction between Lotleth Troll, Kalonian Hydra, and Whip of Erebos is a really fun one to hit, especially if you can manage to have Corpsejack on the board as well.

This I can do and I think I have a few of them put aside for it in case I was gonna add them.

drock008 wrote:

Since you don't have any value one-drops that you can cast on turn one, Golgari Guildgate is actually a good 4 of in this deck, replace a forest and the 3 Transguild Promenade with 4 of the guildgates.

I don't have any Golgari Guildgates, but I have 3 Golgari Cluestone which I don't think would be very helpful since they cost 3 mana. Only guildgates I have are Dimir, Rakdos, and Izzet.

Re: [Standard] First Non-Intro Deck

drock007 wrote:

So I modified the deck as follows:

As I mentioned in the last post we now have a 4 of Kalonian Tusker to help make the most out of our Advocates.  I also replaced the Giant Spiders with Towering Indrik as he costs the same, has the same P/T, also has reach, and also gains from the advocate of beasts.

I kept the Deadly Recluses because they are a cheap card to trade with a Nightveil Specter or even Desecration Demon or at the very least draw a hate card away from our Beasts who can get bigger. 

Added the Whip of Erebos and Lotleth Trolls, and changed the mana up a bit to be more reliable at casting them.  Added Golgari Charm as a utility spell that can whack an enchantment, clear an opponents 2/1 and 1/1 creatures, or save all of yours against a Supreme Verdict. 

Nylea will help you seal the deal by giving your beefed up Tuskers Trample and give you a mana sink for pump for mid-late game when your Nykthos can tap for ridiculous amounts of mana because of your green devotion. 

The sideboard cards aren't really a sideboard, they are just more good cards that can be swapped in to replace some other ones in case you have them.
Overgrown Tomb would be an obvious good addition if you have any.  Same idea with Abrupt Decay, Hero's Downfall, and Underworld Connections.

I like the beast theme, if you really want to run with it more, may consider adding red for some of the Gruul beasts and some bloodrush capability.

So I copied/edited it with cards I have. Instead of Underworld Connections I put Nylea's Presence (I can't find my Underworld Connections, if I have one).

Thanks for your help! big_smile

I was thinking of adding a little red too, actually, I do have some Gruul Guildgates and I have Xenagos, the Revelator but I don't have all that many beast creatures in general.

Here's an updated one with some of your suggestion.

Last edited by atkailash (2013-12-23 22:56:10)

Re: [Standard] First Non-Intro Deck

I don't have a Lotleth Troll, I'll look and see if I have something similar maybe. I'm not particularly loyal to the Beast theme, I just sorta modified a deck that had that. Would any sort of 2 mana creature be helpful?

What about Pack Rats?  They can fill in that slot for Lotleth Troll to let you dump the Hydra into the graveyard for the Whip.

Re: [Standard] First Non-Intro Deck

drock007 wrote:

I don't have a Lotleth Troll, I'll look and see if I have something similar maybe. I'm not particularly loyal to the Beast theme, I just sorta modified a deck that had that. Would any sort of 2 mana creature be helpful?

What about Pack Rats?  They can fill in that slot for Lotleth Troll to let you dump the Hydra into the graveyard for the Whip.

I could probably get some, I forget if my LGS had them (I was there earlier playing)

So I used this deck at open play today, it did pretty good but it lost pretty badly to a fast and low-mana red devotion deck. I realized it's a little slow, I think I either need to get some more Mana Bloom or the Lotleth Troll/Pack Rats.