Topic: Standard Bant Control?

Hey guys!

So since the release of Theros, i've been mulling over what deck to use for standard. I know that I want to use something that seems to be off the radar, and now that we have a good idea of what the meta looks like, my options are also opening up.

Right now, I have playsets of the bant colored shocks, so I figure that that would be the easiest color combo to work with. I'm just wondering if you guys think that a Bant control deck would work in today's standard? What I have so far is in essence a UW control shell with some green splashed in for things like selesnya charm, advent of the wurm, Vitu-ghazi guildmage, and bow of nylea as a one of.

I'll try to put up a deck list for what I have now to make it easier for you guys to tell me what needs to be either added / removed. Also, if you don't feel that bant control is viable right now, let me know and i'll consider switching to something else.

Thanks for any posts I get on this!

Edit: here's the deck list, at least what I have so far. I know it needs tweaking, but i'm not sure which direction to take it.

Last edited by DarrenM (2013-10-22 01:11:23)

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Re: Standard Bant Control?

Here's my list that I've been using:

Creatures (8)
4 Fleecemane
4 Voice

Spells (26)
3 Jace
3 Detention sphere
3 Advent of the wurm
2 Selesnya charm
3 Sphinx revelation
2 Rapid hybrid
3 Azorius charm
2 Syncopate
3 Supreme verdict
2 Ratchet bomb

Lands (26)
4 Temple of Myst
4 Breeding pool
4 Temple garden
4 Hallowed fountain
3 Selesnya GG
2 Azorius GG
3 plains
1 forest
1 island

2 Dissolve
1 Essence scatter
1 Negate
3 Deadly recluse
2 Pithing needle
3 Divination
3 Heroes' reunion

Points of note:

-3 sphinx rev/jace is necessary for combatting thoughtseize decks (you have to be able to topdeck card draw consistently to compete with their underworld connections/discard engine).  I've tried 4 jace as well, it's okay (obviously better vs control, too much 4 mana clutter vs aggro)
-Hero's reunion is great for combatting fast red decks, and also midrange decks that still rely on heavy damage advantage to win (like red devotion with purphoros).  It is better than the centaur because often times the body is irrelevant against the deck's weaknesses (stormbreath dragon, direct burn, desecration demon, unblockable from thassa, spectres).
-Spot removal is...spotty.  Rapid hybridization is a great card to fill the void, and the downside is generally offset by advent of the wurm, verdict, and ratchet in a pinch (only if the ratchet is eliminating more tokens with it, such as master of waves tokens, pyro tokens, or opposing advent tokens).
-The mana is a real trick with only 1 scry land.  When the next scrys come out, this deck will be quite alot better.  I'd run max scry no matter what.  But be prepared to be screwed on at least 1 color at least 20% of the time - it's perhaps the main reason bant can't be competitive with other mono decks, on a consistent basis.  If you or anyone else has a good, viable solution to fix this, I am all ears.
-Deadly recluse is surprisingly good against a wide range of cards that bant is weak against.  Namely, boros reckoner, stormbreath, desecration demon, nightveil spect.  It also helps to have more 2 drops vs any white or red weenie decks, and it's a fallback plan for chandra's phoenix (though not a great option).  I've considered running 1 immortal servitude SB with this and the other 2 drops, but it's hard to find room for it.

If you have any other suggestions, I am open, really trying to refine the bant concept as much as possible.

Last edited by PhiTrigger (2013-12-22 09:20:45)

Re: Standard Bant Control?


Based on what I see in your decklist I'm guessing you intend to play Land-Go permission through the early turns in the game, taking some damage from minor threats while Syncopating or Azorius charming threats that must be dealt with quickly.

If they still have creature advantage (which most will since you probably don't plan on playing any creatures until after your first Supreme Verdict) then you will Verdict and likely have to pass turn giving them a chance to play another big threat during their turn before deploying your threats like Advent of the Wurm a full turn later during their turn. 

Your token threats and populate are somewhat counter-intuitive to the 4 copies of verdict you are running.  Meanwhile you're very vulnerable to Stormbreath Dragon and Blood Baron of Vizkopa which many will be playing the turn after you just tapped out for Verdict.  Obviously you can handle the Blood Baron with a Green Wurm but you've got nothing for the Dragon except maybe another Verdict. 

Maybe I'm missing something, can you walk me through how you envision this deck playing out?

Re: Standard Bant Control?

Well, this post is 2 months old, and this deck no longer exists, so I really don't plan on it doing much work at all...

Over the last two months, i've figured out how to play a decent control deck, and am no longer tinkering with this build or archetype.

If you're interested, here's my current control list [] that I came up with. Otherwise, i'd ask that you guys drop this topic and not bump 2 month old threads.

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Re: Standard Bant Control?

Sorry man, I didn't even notice that the thread was that old, I've only just recently started participating on the forum here, still getting my feet wet.

Re: Standard Bant Control?

No troubles. Its really the fault of the other new guy who initially dug for it. But you're both new, so it's understandable. Dates are definitely something to keep in mind when you see a new thread on a forum.

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