Topic: A Change in the EDH Landscape...

I moved not all that long ago and the people in my new playgroup absolutely REFUSE to play normal free-for-all EDH, instead going with other variants (star, 2 v 2, emperor, etc.)... the issue being that I have 13 EDH decks designed for the friendlier, more casual play of normal free-for-all group play but none of them really hold up in this more competitive environment and, well, to say the least, I'm a bit tired of it.  If I wanted to play super competitively, I would be playing standard, not EDH.

So my question to you guys is, what is the most "dickish" commander to build around and what sorts of combos have you guys seen used?  Think of the time you played EDH where it just really wasn't fun for you to play with that person because their deck was just so overpowered or ridiculous that you didn't want to play them anymore (we've all had games like this).  Tell me about it.

My intent here is not to be a huge asshole (although I think it'll be fun to turn the tables a bit), but to impart upon this new group that the more laid back EDH games can also be enjoyable (I would argue even more so) as you get to explore lots of new card interactions and enjoy things that, well let's be honest, would NEVER happen in a more competitive constructed format.

I'm all ears guys...

Re: A Change in the EDH Landscape...

Im a big fan of old nivmizzet. You just search out a Curiosity effect and combo out to win. The rest of your deck can just be burn and card draw.

Ghavu was supposed to be pretty bad as well where you would accidentally go infinite.

Memnarch is pretty cool too once you get up to a solid artifacty mana base. Unwinding clock makes the game not fun. Whats that I took all your cards for myself and they just continually untap? 

I would also note Land Destruction effects seem to make the game least fun.  R/G Wort + All the R/G land destruction is not terribly fun to play against.

Re: A Change in the EDH Landscape...

Persist creatures with ETB effects, Melira, Sylvok Outcast, a grip of no mana cost sac engines, and a grip of tutors that can grab the components.

This Jund EDH deck isn't tuned yet but I've hit turn 5 infinite damage loop with it in a head's up 1v1 game.

I use Prossh as the Commander.

Melira, Sylvok Outcast
Any of the artifact or creature sacrifice engines
Then Murderous Redcap = Infinite damage loop
or Woodfall Primus = destroy everything but your opponents creatures

Some of the sac engines or other enchants in this deck also combo for infinite mana, infinite draw, or infinite damage as well.

Last edited by drock007 (2013-12-29 18:40:38)