Topic: [Standard] Mono Red Control?

Hey guys!

So i'm brewing up a nifty new little list; Mono Red control [ … xperiment/] [Not yet on deck list...]

It has a couple of themes in it, including Burn, Land Destruction, and beater aggro. Hammer of purphoros and Ember swallower are the main pieces to this deck, though Young Pyromancer can also do some work.

My mana base looks pretty jank, but it's meant to be ready to sac lands to Hammer / Ember often, and be able to get a couple of other necessary things done that red just cam'e do right now.

Mercurial chemister and steam vents are for card draw, and the black is for Toil out of Toil // Trouble.

I'm looking to make this a tier 2, maybe even up to tier 1.5, list, and would love some input on it. It is being tested against every deck I can find, and is evolving after every match. Im accepting all input on this list as well. Do note that I don't want to change the core of the deck too much, so no suggestions too radical please.

Thanks for checking it out!

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Re: [Standard] Mono Red Control?

Perhaps I'm off here, but I can see where you would be better suited trying to adapt it toward a more Grixis shell to take advantage of better removal and a more solid creature base.  To be honest I'm looking forward to the Rakdos scry land and such from Born to be able to make a better Rakdos control with Sire of Insanity (who I've loved since his spoiling).

That aside, the deck seems so counter-productive in how it's setup that a singleton Desecration Demon would just beat you.  Young Pyromancer works just fine, except for the fact that Anger wipes out him and all the little guys you've worked so hard to spit out.  What does that leave you with?  Some overcosted land hate (Wizards realized land destruction at the three spot was pretty mean), 3x Ember Swallowers, and Hammer of Purphoros.

Maybe it's the sort of deck you need to play to follow but I just don't see where it stacks up successfully in a format so filled with ramp, devotion, and mana dorks.  The only reason I could justify Ember Swallower at the moment is in R/G Devotion because it could actually go off on T4... leaving both players with only one land and you happily sitting on a 7/8.  Sorry...