Topic: R/B Deck

looking for help with my R/B Deck

Once the new R/B scry lands will be available I will add a playset of them .

I know there is the Rakdos Deck that won GP Santiago but I am trying to make this work .

I will be taking it to some FNM's , Game Day's .

Thanks .

Re: R/B Deck

Given the look of it, you're so close to the mono-red devotion lists it really doesn't make sense not to more that way.  You'll need some number of Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and can easily swap Exava out for Fanatic of Mogis.  Aside from that the black splash is okay for the added removal and card draw, but I would actually suggest dropping either Lightning Strike or Magma Jet to up your count of Read the Bones to four, as you're going to want that card draw more than you realize.

Re: R/B Deck

Also, if you splash black as a burn/draw option you could run toil/trouble.   You normally will only have mana for one or the other, but if you have enough devotion nykthos could help.

Other than that I agree with Ty, you're really split between RB aggro, red deovtion and rakdos control.  You need to decide on a plan and move in that direction.  Thoughtseize isn't really something you want to be doing and in general if you're going to be drawing other cards, magma jet should just be lightning strike.

All of the current decks will change after Btg comes out and some new ones will become available.

Last edited by elpablo (2014-01-07 21:16:26)

Re: R/B Deck

Anyone has a list of the mono red devotion ? cant seem to find one that is standard .


Re: R/B Deck

You can likely take your pick from the lists available here as they're probably all about the same: … estset=THS

Just substitute black for the white...

Re: R/B Deck

If i'd replace Read the Boneswith Underworld Connections would I still need to run 4 ?

Re: R/B Deck

imo, i think if you go red devotion you should just go full bore with it.

White is the stronger choice for the splash (for now) that could change with born of the gods though, mainly because of scry lands, chained to the rocks,  and reckoner support.

Investing 3 mana and 2 black devotion in underworld connections isn't really what you want to do with red devotion.

This black red control deck did okay at the pro tour and might be okay for a local meta, and seems more like where you're trying to go with thoughtseize underworld connections, stormbreath, and dreadbore.  You're playing more of a midrange/control deck and less of an aggro/red devotion.

Re: R/B Deck

unfortunately I traded most of my white cards to get the cards for this deck smile who know may after the new set comes out it will be more competitive

Re: R/B Deck

Lukecelmare wrote:

unfortunately I traded most of my white cards to get the cards for this deck smile who know may after the new set comes out it will be more competitive

Well, unless you're headed to a GP or something like that, it won't hurt to wait.  Spoilers should be firing up Sunday night/Monday morning.