Topic: W: Filters, Stuff, RICHMOND PLAYMAT H: Tradelist, Stuff
Wants in order of personal priority
Cascade Bluffs(UR) (Need need need)
Commanders Arsenal/ Judge Promo Command Tower (Arsenal Preferred)
Other Filters(Mystic Gate(WU), Rugged Prairie(WR), Fire-Lit Thicket(RG))
Duals (I know these probably won't happen quickly or at all)
Rest of tradelist
For the right offers, I have a sealed FTV DRAGONS (PENDING TRADE), a sealed Mind Seize (PENDING TRADE), a barely touched Elves Goblins DD (it is open but they are mint) and some stuff in my inventory/profile.
Just found my old pokemon cards, can search through them if you need something specific I pulled the energy if you want it its all in pretty good condition. Have some promos, something stamped with PRERELEASE, and some other holos
Last edited by bighappyblocker (2014-01-30 14:38:12)