Topic: Spellstutter sprite?

Hey guys

So I recently acquired a playset of Spellstutter sprite, and i'm not quite sure what to do with it. I currently have 2 decks that It could potentially go in, but I'm torn between the two.

The first is a UWR Delver deck for modern [], and the second is a UW Cawblade deck for Pauper [].

I'm leaning more toward the Cawblade deck, but I've also seen a lot of people play them in Delver decks. I'm looking for opinions on which would be the better choice. Thanks!

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Re: Spellstutter sprite?

To be honest, they don't really work that well in either build.  Without other faeries to boost their ability, you'll have a hard time getting any actual value out of them.  You'd be better off running actual counters as it stands.

Last edited by drgolovacroxby (2014-01-14 22:25:03)