Topic: W: 2x U.Cerberus, 2x Xenagos H: Mutavault, FOIL Nykthos, tradelist

EDIT: Tradelist updated with Mutavault and FOIL Nykthos! Get in on that action, boys and girl.

Looking for:

2x Underworld Cerberus
2x Reaper of the Wilds
2x Xenagos, the Reveler

I would also trade the foil Nykthos for 2x nonfoil Nykthos, if anyone's interested in that.

Last edited by El_Panda_Rojo (2014-01-16 16:21:22)

Re: W: 2x U.Cerberus, 2x Xenagos H: Mutavault, FOIL Nykthos, tradelist

JUND! I hope it turns out to be good... I sure want it to be.

Re: W: 2x U.Cerberus, 2x Xenagos H: Mutavault, FOIL Nykthos, tradelist

I'm hoping so! And at $2 apiece, the cerberuses (cerberi? cerberoes?) are worth it just to build a casual deck around, even if they don't go anywhere in standard. We'll see, I'm actually a fairly decent brewer but I never have the cards I need by the time prices skyrocket. (I brewed up a mono-black devotion list a full week before the deck went huge at the PT, purely out of boredom... and then scrapped the idea as soon as Nightveil Specter hit $10, haha). Playing the part of speculator isn't something I normally do, so maybe things'll pan out for me this time.

Re: W: 2x U.Cerberus, 2x Xenagos H: Mutavault, FOIL Nykthos, tradelist

I have one Cerberus that I'll be glad to hand off. If you're interested, start up a trade and I'll be glad to go from there. Thanks!