Topic: How to handle 'stale' trades

Hello everyone,

I'm wondering about two issues I encountered recently, relating to my trades:

1. Both parties agree on the trade and I asked my counterpartner to send first (since he has 0 or 1 feedback at that time, I had more than 10). It's been more than a month now, and I have yet to receive the cards. We're both in Europe (he's in the UK, I'm in the Netherlands) so this is way past the 3 weeks waiting time that I should give. I'm thinking about canceling the trade, since the value is not so big anyway (about 14-15 EUR). Is it ok for me to do this?

2. Both parties agree on the trade, but one of the cards I received was in a worse condition than stated. I returned back the cards to him, and we agreed to cancel the trade. This is ok right? I can just click the cancel button?

What do you guys think about these?

Re: How to handle 'stale' trades

For the first scenario, has the other person continued to communicate with you or have they "gone dark" and simply do not communicate?  I would clear it with the mods in the BTR forum first, but my sense is that as long as you're fine with cancelling, you should be able to.  But, given that the other person is potentially out some cards, you would want to seek clarification there.

For the second case, if both parties have agreed to cancel the trade and all pieces have been returned, then yes, you may both cancel the trade, leave neutral feedback, and go about your separate ways.  If, however, either of you has the desire to leave negative feedback, again a BTR would be warranted.

Re: How to handle 'stale' trades


First scenario: he was still in contact until about a week ago. Now he's gone dark and hasn't replied to any of my messages.

Second scenario: Hmm..the cards have indeed been returned (I even returned the envelope and all packaging with it). I'll contact the mods probably to resolve this.

Thanks smile!