Topic: Subsets in Decks

Hello there,

currently I'm creating alot of EDH Decks.
Cutting right @ 100 Cards is a huge amount of work for me - thats why I am splicing my deck into certain Subsets.

As you see in my profile I've got an EDH so called "Evolve" - currently splicing into a subdirectory "Evolve" and SubDecks called "Counter", "Removal" ...

It'll be a huge benefit if I won't need to construct a deck like this.
If i would be allowed to add a SubTheme (Sorry on this one, I couldn't find a better word..) e.g. Target Instants Subtheme is now "Counter"  and Sort the Table depending on its SubTheme.

This would give me the benefit of having my whole Deck on one Screen ordererd by its Purpose.

Kind Regards

Re: Subsets in Decks

Hi everybody,

i'm also stuck with this question. You would help me a lot too, if you can find a way to sort the decks in a better / easier way.
Now it is a kind of unsorted ^^
The possibility to sort my deck for dmg-spells, counter, removal,etc... would be awesome smile

Re: Subsets in Decks

I spent all day looking for a deck editor which included a feature like this, but was unable to find one. I play almost exclusively in EDH, as well, and having the ability to create custom subsets or groups of cards within my decklist (for example, "removal," "lifegain," "hugs," "rattlesnakes," etc.) would really help facilitate tighter deck construction.

An alternative would be to add an option for an editable "notes" or "tags" column to be displayed in the deck editor, along with name, type, cmc, etc. This way, I could type my own tags into the field for each card, and use the editor to sort the cards in my deck by that field (the same way one would sort by name, cmc, etc.) This effectively accomplishes the same task: when the cards are sorted alphabetically according to tag, all of the "removal" is put together with itself, and so on with "hugs," "scary clowns," or any other tag I decide to add to a card.

In fact, this alternative would probably be much easier to add on the back-end, and much easier to use on the front-end. It doesn't require developing any kind of interface or hierarchy system for custom sorting, nor the creation of unique fields, nor does it force players who don't wish to sort their cards like this to contend with needless features; instead, it is available to those who want the option, and completely out of the way for those who do not.

I'm really hoping to see a feature like this implemented in future updates.

Re: Subsets in Decks

Tagging in decks and sorting by tags sounds like a good solution! Thanks for the feedback, will think on this.

Re: Subsets in Decks

I'm glad my thoughts were helpful smile I'll be keeping an eye on this thread and the updates thread for this feature's inclusion; if it's added, deckbox will become my MTG manager of choice without a doubt. I've already learned the value of having my decks managed online today, as I had to reset my computer to its factory settings after a crash, and I lost all of the MTG files on my hard drive as a result.