Topic: New Users take & requests

I started using this just a few weeks ago. I like things pretty well though looking through the forum development seems a bit slow. I'm guessing this is probably a side project where spare time is spent though.

Some general things I came across as a new user I thought would be nice or was weird:

  • tagging decks
    As a casual player there's many more formats than the standard vintage, legacy, EDH stuff. I know there are folders but it'd be nice if we could tag decks. This would let us mark decks as Pauper, 5-Color, discard, aggro, or whatever. I'd likely use it for the format I intended the deck to be played but it's generic enough that it could be used for much more than that. Might also make the deck search a bit nicer if we could see the tags associated with the decks.

  • marking decks as built / not built
    It'd be nice if we could mark decks as being built or not built. Built decks would mark cards listed in that deck as being "in use" as it does now. Not Built decks would not. This allows us to keep deck lists of decks we have used in the past while allowing the cards in it to show up as not being used when we're building a new deck. I currently use folders to sort of work around this. Would probably use tags in the future if they're implemented so the folder structure could change.

  • specify specific cards used in a deck
    I sort my cards by set then color. If a card in a deck is printed in several sets and I'm told I have X available to use in this deck which set do I go to pull this card from? It'd be nice to mark which specific card entry was used to fulfill building the deck. This way the next deck I build I know if need to go to my Revised Box or Tempest box to retrieve my counter spell. This also plays into the sub-inventories. Each "built" deck is basically a new location (sub-inventory) for cards.  Along with this it'd be nice to see how many cards are in use as easily as I can see if I've got any for trade. This obviously only makes sense if we can specify which particular cards are in the decks. Maybe these options could be toggle-able if there's to many columns developing from this. If tagging cards is implemented this might help but not likely to be near as slick.

  • distinct card count
    The distinct card count seems to be incorrect. I'm guessing this is implemented with a SQL distinct call after looking at it for a while. As an new user my initial thought of how this worked was it told me how many distinct card names I had in my collection. I soon found out when adding a card from a different set the distinct count would increase. My second thought from this was that it was a count of each card name and set maybe because of alternate art or something. However I then noticed that anything that added an additional line when importing my cards such as condition, language, foil, or promo would add to the distinct count. So my question is why would 2 tempest counter spells in good condition count as 1 distinct card but 1 tempest counter spell in good condition and 1 tempest counter spell in poor condition count as 2 distinct cards? It isn't really consistent so it doesn't quite make sense. I would suggest this change to count the number of distinct names in your inventory. Seems even the foreign language cards use the English names in the inventory. This would make more since of the distinct-ness of a count of cards in your inventory.

  • decks greater than 70 cards are legal
    When adding a new deck there's a note at the top that says "This is an incomplete deck. A complete MtG deck contains either between 60 and 70 cards or exactly 100 (for EDH)" This is fine but any deck larger than 60 is legal how else would Battle of Wits make sense? Currently when a deck hits 71 cards it says "This is an incomplete WUBRG YYYY deck. A complete MtG deck contains either between 60 and 70 cards or exactly 100 (for EDH)" There's no real need for this notification message it should just say "This is a complete WUBRG YYY deck." Also for what it's worth sealed and draft decks can be as small as 40. I've put in some of my draft and sealed decks. They show up as incomplete maybe an option for showing them as a limited format deck? (maybe it's just a nitpick)

  • search options
    I feel like I should be able to search on any aspect of a card I enter. So search based on number in inventory, number in trade list, number in wishlist, condition, language, promo, etc. In addition when searching by edition owned I'd like to see an option for Not Entered so that you can easily find cards that don't have an edition set. At the end of the day I feel like if the data is in the database we need to be able to search on that data. Also some sort of wild card support would be nice. I was trying to find some cards that had a particular effect but wasn't quite sure of the wording. Wild cards would help in this case. Alternatively having been able to specify two different rules text filters would have helped a bit. This way we could search a subset of cards. (I'm looking for all cards with "discard" in the rules text, within that set of cards I want to see all cards with "card" in their rules text basically "discard * card"). Concern of to many filters being added was voiced. Maybe using an "advanced search" option that was sort of like gatherer would help.

  • Cards in a set I don't own
    From a collector point of view listing cards in a particular set I don't own would be nice to see which cards I still need to find to add to my collection.

  • multiple art versions
    fallen empires and other sets have multiple card art for a single card. In the olden days of price lists in magazines they'd be designated as card A, Card B, etc. When I entered these in the inventory I was stumped for a few seconds before I figured out it wasn't supported and had to just lump them all together. I know this is probably an tcgplayer limitation.

I know these are on the list of known requests but still came up when I started using it.

  • allowing multiple inventories or sub inventories at least
    I know this has been requested and supposedly will be implemented. I maintain two inventories. I'm currently working around this using the condition stars (I don't use this 'cause I don't sort by condition). It'd be nice at a minimum to be allowed multiple inventories of Magic The Gathering sort of like you can add other games to your account. On the left side you'd just see two or more entries for Magic the Gathering like you'd see the additional entries for the other games. Sub inventories would be nice too though and tagging cards might help a bit but not really as slick as the other options I think.

  • private inventory
    This has been requested but can't stress this enough how great this would be to have. I initially thought they were all private by default before I started entering my inventory. I'm sad to find out they're not.

  • anthologies
    Anthologies set was missing. I've got a small handful of cards not listed on the site.

Re: New Users take & requests

Thank you for the very detailed feedback. Many of your points are indeed things we would like to improve, and I've noted down some of these in our TODO list smile.

We do indeed go at a not so fast pace with development right now but it is something we will address (and announce) soon! smile

Re: New Users take & requests

Colored cards with cmc of 0 such as the kobolds show up as colorless in the search. … 796!a4MA**
is an example showing this.
I'm guessing this is because you're using the casting cost to determine color which is accurate most of the time but not all the time.

Also since you seem to support EDH in the deck building adding a search for the color identity of cards would be nice. Seems like this might easily be added since the identity looks solely at the mana symbols present on cards.

Adding a slot in EDH deck builds to designate the commander might be nice too. Users could search for EDH decks based on the ideal commander for the particular decks.

B.F.M Left is showing up as a sorcery as well.

Last edited by Moxy (2014-01-29 21:07:29)