Topic: Monoblack Devotoin

It took me weeks of cracking boxes and cracking packs and a few trades to finally finish my Monoblack Devotion deck.

I will be attending my first FNM in a couple years and I wanted to walk in with a good deck and win at least one or two matches and not completely get p00ned.

What do you all think? Comments? Suggestions? I have ordered 6 boxes of Gods so this will help me out too.

I am not really in it to win it but if I can win a few games and make some new local friends then I am totally down with that.


Re: Monoblack Devotoin

the only mistake i see you made here was the 6 boxes of BNG tongue

I bought 2 and I feel like I over paid, the value for this set is exceedingly low unless you crack all the bomb/value cards and get super lucky.

I think I I had the $200 back, i could just buy all the cards I wanted and have money left over.

Re: Monoblack Devotoin

I second the BNG mistake.

I don't know how big Bile Blight is going to be as anti-Rat hate, but I would consider how you want to play around it.

Also, I've heard that mono black's worst match up is RDW, so you might want to use Drown in Sorrow main deck instead of Pharika's Cure. -2/-2 kills pretty much everything in the red deck.

Why 3 Erebos in the side board?

Good luck and enjoy!

Re: Monoblack Devotoin

A lot of the top 8s run 3 erebos in the side for the control matchup... he's basically extra copies of underworld since they like to counter/d sphere the draw power or turn it off with pithing needle.

bile blight is good enough to maindeck imo, and a lot of the pros/article writers agree... now... that decision is based on their meta, which can be different than a local meta... if you have lots of control then you might splash green for abrupt decay... lots of aggro will want bile blight main with maybe some pharika's cure.

drown is looking more like a sideboard card... unless again, your meta is weenie heavy... (and who's isn't with a bunch of guys running around, amirite? - badumcha) tongue

it really just depends.

Last edited by elpablo (2014-02-07 15:34:10)

Re: Monoblack Devotoin

Thank you everyone for your replies and support. I bought 6 boxes just because I figure I would take a gamble. Maybe I overpaid but I would rather invest now and have the cards I need now instead of later. Also it will give me a chance to have more ammunition for trades.

Re: Monoblack Devotoin

trade them sooner rather than later is my advice, people will be hot for the cards when they're new... get into staples for other formats if you need them and if you feel like you "might" want to keep a card to play with "later" then trade it now for something you really want, and pick it up later for cheaper...

Re: Monoblack Devotoin

elpablo wrote:

trade them sooner rather than later is my advice, people will be hot for the cards when they're new... get into staples for other formats if you need them and if you feel like you "might" want to keep a card to play with "later" then trade it now for something you really want, and pick it up later for cheaper...

I bought a similar amount of Dragon's Maze.  I was upset at the lack of Blood Baron's that I know, second to wasting $500. sad

If you'd like to unload some of your uncommons and bulk rares for similar-type Dragon's Maze cards, hit me up!

Re: Monoblack Devotoin

Anything beyond a playset should be moved and in many respects, you should trade the higher end cards that you're not going to be using too.  So, for instance, keep 4x Brimaz as his value will likely only go up in the near future, but many of the gods could be moved for their near $10 prices now as, outside of xenagos, I see their prices dropping in the next month or so.