Topic: H: 2x Kiora, Xenagod, other W: Mutavault, Modern

Like the title says - have some BOTG stuff (will update more tonight), looking to fill out non-BOTG stuff.

Top Standard Priority:

1x Mutavault

Always looking for Modern staples (Lili's, goyfs, bobs, snaps, fetches) so make an offer. Mutavault is top priority - everything else is average.


Re: H: 2x Kiora, Xenagod, other W: Mutavault, Modern

I have a muta for trade, take a look at my list and shoot me a trade if there's anything else you want in addition to it

Re: H: 2x Kiora, Xenagod, other W: Mutavault, Modern

You looking for anything I have? Your wish list doesnt stack up to Muta value - though of course I'm always willing to trade up wink

Re: H: 2x Kiora, Xenagod, other W: Mutavault, Modern

Yea you have some stuff is like, anything besides that muta that you see of mine?