Topic: [Standard] Junk Midrange

Looking to get some opinions on my current Junk deck:

It is more of a Selesnya shell with a splash of black in order to deal with many of Selesnya's current downsides. The deck was also made to hate on the two most popular decks in standard right now; Mono-Blue Devotion and Mono-Black devotion.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Re: [Standard] Junk Midrange

You have 12 black sources, so getting to double black shouldn't be all that hard... as such, I would advise you to look into running Hero's Downfall and Obzedat.

Otherwise, I mean I don't see why you wouldn't have some luck.  Blood Baron is probably the hardest threat to deal with in the game for the time being, meaning it will definitely do a LOT of work for you most games.

Re: [Standard] Junk Midrange

I've always just been afraid to take that extra step and commit to Downfall, I certainly could try it out at my next FNM (taking out 2x Ultimate Price for 2x Downfall).

As for Obzedat, I'm not entirely sure what I would want to remove from the deck to play him nor do I have an idea of how many I would like to play. At most I would play him as a two of. I could possibly remove one Advent for one Obzedat?

Re: [Standard] Junk Midrange

I'd suggest dropping one Abrupt Decay and one Selesnya Charm for 2x Obzedat.  Then swap one Polukranos and both Ultimate Prices for 3x Hero's Downfall.  This will give you some added power against control and PW reliant decks while not really losing any power against most others. 

Advent is just crazy good in an alarming number of scenarios - as it can often be thought of as if it were removal because you can play it in combat to then block favorably.  I also think that Polukranos might under-perform here, but you can likely speak more to whether he's been good or bad for you.

Re: [Standard] Junk Midrange

Honestly I don't really enjoy playing Polukranos however, he does help my match ups against mono blue and R/G Monsters. He comes out completely in most other match ups, I could consider dropping one of him.

I also think Abrupt decay is arguably the best removal available in the current standard as it removes almost everything that is difficult to deal with in many of the T1 decks (Reckoner, Pack Rat, Underworld Connections, Detention Sphere, Nightveil Specter, Domri, the list goes on).

I would consider removing a Selesnya as the the main reason for playing it as a four of is to remove active gods and scary 5+ power monsters that many of my creatures just can't deal with.

Re: [Standard] Junk Midrange

someone had a good post on reddit about junk midrange.

The quote was ... "The deck is unquestionably worse than the sum of its parts." BW, mono black, selesnya, are just all better than junk atm. … rd_junk_a/

I think you're jamming black when you don't really need it.  Selesnya aggro/midrange has plenty of answers now with the addition of BNG.   If you need enchant removal, revoke existance is on color.  You really should just be playing more threats...  Thune+courser +mutavault anyone? 3/3, 4/4, 5/5 mutavault sounds pretty good.

Heck splashing red, for naya is better than junk atm.  You have the complete temple base for mana fixing, you get access to mizzium and chained to the rocks... an argument for bant could be made similarly for detention sphere as a catch all,l and it gets you kiora, which ramps/draws which selesnya is lacking a lot of.

Bottom line, my advice (for what it's worth).... lose the black splash.

Last edited by elpablo (2014-02-17 20:18:32)