Topic: How to remove what is in trade


I put in trade all my cards. but i would like to reverse that.

I dont see any option, the only thing i see is removing the trade card by card!!!


Last edited by mlocas (2014-02-17 18:42:58)

Re: How to remove what is in trade

Are you refering to putting your cards in a trade with another user or putting all the cards you own in your tradelist?

Re: How to remove what is in trade

I mean removing all my inventory from being available for trade
I dont want to trade all my collection.

Tools -> Mark all for trade...
i used that option thinking i was putting only what was filtered from my inventory, not all of it

Last edited by mlocas (2014-02-17 18:58:43)

Re: How to remove what is in trade

Your best option would be to just use Tools - Remove Everything when your tradelist is selected to clear your tradelist but keep your inventory complete. Then when you would just go in and update which cards from your inventory are for trade, by changing the number for trade in the tradelist count (second column on the right)

Re: How to remove what is in trade

Finally, its working
i thought the trade list was link with my inventory, was afraid do try that option

TRADELIST is independent from the INVENTORY, for any action done in there
