Topic: W: 4x Gemstone Mines, 2x Burning Wish, 1x Scapeshift

Interested in trading for these things. See if you can find anything on my tradelist!

I have a Marsh Flats coming in the mail that will also be for trade when it arrives.

Last edited by CatacombSlug (2014-02-19 02:36:23)

Re: W: 4x Gemstone Mines, 2x Burning Wish, 1x Scapeshift

Bump for relevant update

Re: W: 4x Gemstone Mines, 2x Burning Wish, 1x Scapeshift

i have i think 3 gemstone mines for trade i dont think i have the other ill have to look to see if i have a scapeshift would be interested in the flats or maybe the Yawgmoth's Will