Topic: H: marsh flats, lotv, bob, hierarch, list w: cryptic command, v clique
Start up a trade if you see anything on my list you're interested in.
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Deckbox Forum » Trading Post » Reddit MTG Trades » H: marsh flats, lotv, bob, hierarch, list w: cryptic command, v clique
Start up a trade if you see anything on my list you're interested in.
which bob is that? MMA or Ravnica?
I'm interested in your marsh flats, verdant catacombs and ftv maze of ith...take a look at my list and let me know if you see anything
Ravnica Bob, I should mark that, but instead I just answer the question every time someone is interested.
I'm interested in your marsh flats, verdant catacombs and ftv maze of ith...take a look at my list and let me know if you see anything
Sorry, I don't see anything that I'm really interested in.
I have a textless cryptic that's not listed and a bunch of stuff from like 6 edh decks I took apart
I have a NM MMA Cryptic for trade. Looking for a LotV, Is there anything you're looking for to make the difference?
Sorry, I'm not interested in the MMA. Thanks for looking though.