Topic: [Standard] Death & Taxes

Hey guys!

So I've been gone for a while, but I'm going to try to get active on here again.

Anyway, I'm trying out a new build that is based on the archetype's modern equivalent; Standard Death & Taxes.

It pretty much plays White  Weenie into Orzhov midrange, using the hate-cards that standard has to offer.

Extortion is actually a pretty big part of this deck, and it's been working out really well in testing.

I would like some second opinions on the deck though. Do you think there's something that I could add in that would make it smoother overall? Should I change some numbers around?

Thanks for any help here.

Buying cards for store inventory, check my profile!

Re: [Standard] Death & Taxes

You're really more of a midrange deck and not an aggro deck, i think you cut the one drops, maybe move pantheon to the side because he has utility in certain matchups... I'd like to see obzedat go, or some number of blood baron for archangel of thune, it synergies well with the life gain from extort. Also combos well with mutavault (which you have 0 of in the deck, seems like a glarying ommission)

underworld seems out of place, i might try read the bones if I where you... maybe side underworld against control for more consistent card draw... could be wrong here though.

you really need a better 2 drop, and I might consider eidilon of countless battles, you're already running a handful of enchants...

spear might be a consideration as well as a one, of perhaps a 1 of whip of erebos as well?

soul tithe seems like an interesting removal/tempo card... could be good. not 100% sure though.

bile blight seems okay-ish, in this deck... might be bad in the mirror?

some number of thoughtseize in the 75 would be required I think, it's too good in some matchups.

lastly, lands... pitch the gates, get a 4th scry land and make sure you have the right balance of plains/swamps... you have a lot of WW/BB in the 2/3 slots, i can see why the gates are appealing, but the tempo loss over consecutive turns can hurt you. I think you need to make the choice to either go heavier white, or heavier black and run the right number of lands.

Last edited by elpablo (2014-02-20 18:43:01)