Topic: [bug] dropdown positioning when adding cards from within a deck list

Hi, this might be a bit harder to recreate or perceive the same behavior and I can gladly provide more details as needed.

Chrome 32.0.1700.77 - bug exists
Firefox 26.0 - bug does not exist

1) Enter into any decklist
2) Click on any card already in the list for more information
3) Click on the expansion/condition/language and expect dropdown
4) Dropdown is actually all the way to the top

This does not happen on the Inventory/Wishlist pages.

Re: [bug] dropdown positioning when adding cards from within a deck list

Yes, I've noticed this also. I've also noticed problems with the drop down when adding cards to my collection, it doesn't appear, so you can't choose the card you're trying to add.

Re: [bug] dropdown positioning when adding cards from within a deck list

Same here. Bug is still present. Only noticed this on chrome, not on firefox, and not on mobile (BB).