Topic: baller's trade with another trader

I need a little advice as to how to proceed. I agreed to a trade with a trader on Jan 25. However, the trader was unable to send the cards from his side as he didn't have them anymore. I asked for a replacement in cards of the same value, but the trader was unwilling to make the swap. Finally on Feb 3 the trader was able to get a copy of the missing card and agreed to send. The cards were sent Feb 12 and had tracking. They were expected and reported as delivered on Feb 15. However, I never received the cards. I notified the sender and we're currently waiting to see if a return to sender happens. I'm curious, what should we do now if the cards are not returned? Am I just out the cards? Should the trader return my half? Are there any recourses or do we just chalk this up to bad luck?

Re: baller's trade with another trader

Update: It looks like the USPS has flagged the package as returning to sender. However, I would still like to know what happens in a situation like this if the package is not returned.

Re: baller's trade with another trader

It still remains the senders responsibility to for how the cards sent to another user. Even though the blame falls more directly on the hands of the Postal service used, the sender is liable to either return the other half of the trade to the other user or pay the cost of the trade.

Re: baller's trade with another trader

Moved to Site Feedback, not a BTR.