Topic: Mono-White Deck Review/Suggestions

Would really appreciate any feedback on this, just getting back into M:TG after a long hiatus (since about Darksteel set).

Re: Mono-White Deck Review/Suggestions

I would drop the Ornitharch, and replace it with Hopeful Eidolon, and replace your revoke existance, and Mortal's Ardor with some combination of celestial flare, last breath and gods willing. Or Maybe brave the elements

Re: Mono-White Deck Review/Suggestions

I would suggest the following.

Revoke Existence reduce to 2. Replace those 2 with Brave the Elements. Protection for all of your creatures from a given color is great.

Archetype of Courage why do you have 3 of these? I would reduce to 2.

Hero of Iroas is a nice card but you have only two Aura Spells and they are creatures as well that can be bestowed I would replace these with Precinct Captain's, maybe add 3 of them if you reduce Archetype of courage as well.

Ornitharch I would replace these with 2 Soldier of the Pantheon and maybe two Dryad Militants. They both have nice abilities and are 1 drops.

Mortals Ardor I would consider replacing as well. Maybe Ethereal Armor a 1 drop Giving +1/+1 per enchantment you control, and first strike, or if you want more control Celestial flare, or God's Willing.

These changes will make your deck faster and let you populate your field further. Just my thoughts good luck.

Last edited by aplechaty (2014-02-28 18:28:30)

Re: Mono-White Deck Review/Suggestions

Thank you both for your input! I like what I see, and it all makes sense in my head.

Y'all are great.