Topic: [Standard] Junk Midrange

I'll be attending a PTQ this Saturday (tomorrow March 8th, 2014) and would like some constructive criticism on my deck:

Aside from the deck's largest flaw (it being three colors), it has performed very well for me over the past few months. I have made some recent changes to it and would just like to see what people think about the deck.

If anyone has suggestions/questions/answers I would appreciate them all!

Re: [Standard] Junk Midrange

Junk has consistently underperformed this block.  I read a quote on reddit that said it was "much less effective than the sum of it's parts", and I don't think it's just the mana.  3 color not being terrible in those colors now with 2/3 scry lands plus shocks. 

A couple things that jump out at me about these decks.

1) black in 3 color in this format is dangerous because you hurt yourself more than other 3 color decks .  Thoughtseize is too good not to run + shocks = starting at 16 or less, even with life gain.

2) you lack the engine that mono black uses in underworld connections.  You're running a very similar 1-1 removal package and attempting to grind-out incremental card advantage with no way to consistently restock.

I'm not saying it can't do well, I just haven't seen it yet.  The cards are _good_ no doubt, but they just don't pull together like you would think they should.

Last edited by elpablo (2014-03-07 18:12:33)

Re: [Standard] Junk Midrange

Overall I think your 75 look strong.  Keep in mind you can't use your Selesnya Charm to pump your Blood Baron. 

I think a main weakness is a lack of card draw and card advantage.  Though your 8 Scry Lands can help you filter and Courser of Kruphix can help a bit as well even if he does make an Advent of the Wurm less of a surprise sometimes.  Hunter's Prowess is just an idea here.  It can target Blood Baron who is already resilient to removal and act almost like a better Sphinx's Revelation especially if your opponent can't block.  7 damage, 7 life, draw 7 cards!  This would seal the deal in most games if your opponent doesn't have an answer for it.  Something to consider but if you can't find the time to test it a bit I wouldn't jam it in and go to a PTQ. 

I think Revoke Existence needs to find a spot in your sideboard.  Or Unravel the Aether if you think instant speed is more important.

You need to be able to have an answer to the various gods before they get "turned on" (which would make Selesnya Charm an option) because some of them are doing too many good things even if they aren't creatures yet.  Thinking mostly of Ephara, Xenagos, and Mogis.  You really don't want them hanging around even just as enchantments.  T4 Xenagos from G/R Monsters can equal a T5 hasted Polukranos swinging for 10 potentially with mana open for Ghor-Clan Rampager Bloodrush or a Flesh // Blood.

Re: [Standard] Junk Midrange

I appreciate both of your inputs and opinions on the deck and I've heard the phrase "junk is worse than the sum of its parts" plenty of times now.

Here is another link to the deck:

I did make a few minor changes again before the PTQ.

It was a seven round PTQ and I was X-1 in the sixth in a "win-and-in" situation and I ended up losing. This was in part due to a huge misplay in game 2 (I lost game one) but I don't even know if I would have been able to win if I had not misplayed.

Again thank you both. If anyone would still like to contribute a comment do feel free to!

Re: [Standard] Junk Midrange

I couldn't point to anything fundamentally wrong with you're build.  It's all meta dependent, once you put in blood baron, voice and the right lands, the rest of the deck is just built around whatever you need it to beat.

Sounds like you made an okay call.  You're PTQ experience went better than mine this weekend.  I was on UWr control and got trolled round one by a maze's end deck... I stayed a couple more rounds, but after a second loss that was enough for me.