Topic: W: 4x lifebane, 1x rhys, 1x oracle of mul, elf edh cards. H: Tradelist

Thanks for taking a look.  I want to finish up my elf deck. I need about 8 cards still including my commander. Rhys

You may make an offer but please say something even if you don't have the cards I need. I am interested in modern cards as well.

Notable haves.

Foil phenax.

feel free to take a look

Re: W: 4x lifebane, 1x rhys, 1x oracle of mul, elf edh cards. H: Tradelist

I have 3 lifebane zombies. I would b interested in your foil phenax. Shoot me a trade if your interested. big_smile

Re: W: 4x lifebane, 1x rhys, 1x oracle of mul, elf edh cards. H: Tradelist

i have
2x regular lifebane
2x foil lifebane

interested in 2x ephara

Re: W: 4x lifebane, 1x rhys, 1x oracle of mul, elf edh cards. H: Tradelist


Re: W: 4x lifebane, 1x rhys, 1x oracle of mul, elf edh cards. H: Tradelist

i have 3 lifebane zombies. im interested in your temple of plenty foil.

Trade me your Thalias!