Topic: [Casual][opinions] Everyone draws multiplayer

So I'm looking for some comments on this deck. This is for a casual multi-player environment. I had the idea of trying to make people "happy" by giving them cards to draw only to turn it around on them by making it painful to draw and discard. It may also pair well with a Jace's Erasure mill deck in 2HG games.

So I give them things like Howling Mine and Font of Mythos while hiding behind Glacial Chasm with the win condition being Underworld Dreams and megrim or they mill themselves due to the draw.

We've got the occasional indestructable hexproof plantinum angel type thing going in our group on so I tried to deal with it using Evacuation and Words of Wind

Common problems I have when building decks is running to few lands. I'm at 60 cards now and think I may have the same issue with this deck. I'm not sure what to cut to add a few lands. Not that it HAS to be 60 cards.

Any suggestions on cards that might synergize well or are better than what I've got here would be good too.

1 Forest
2 Glacial Chasm
8 Island
2 Reliquary Tower
9 Swamp

2 Gnat Miser

2 Boomerang
4 Vex
1 Evacuation
2 Psychic Spiral

1 Mind Grind
1 Windfall

1 Spellbook
2 Ivory Tower
3 Howling Mine
1 Temple Bell
3 Font of Mythos
1 Venser's Journal

3 Underworld Dreams
1 Words of Wilding
1 Words of Wind
2 Fate Unraveler
1 Spiteful Visions
2 Forced Fruition
4 Megrim