Topic: Elves & Hydras

So, my brain came up with a stupid idea. It happened when one of my friends mentioned a combo he pulled off on MTGO a few minutes ago, but nevertheless, its a stupid idea. The whole basis is for it to be mono green elves to ramp into Primordial & Kalonian Hydras, splashing in white for Gift of Orzhova (or black, doesn't matter) and blue for counters and control. <-- That's what I have so far.

Sigarda, Host of Herons adds a nice bit of control as she keeps your creatures from being countered, and the Armageddon won't necessarily screw the deck over seeing as eventually the point is to have its mana basis based on elves, using Eternal Witness if against a deck that likes killing my creatures through Doomblade and other various kill spells, and Nylea, God of the Hunt is in there for the trample. However, Sword of Light and Shadow is also in there for the same reason as Eternal Witness. The problem now is, what to do to get it down to 60 cards, and what should the land basis consist of? Obviously I figured the dual lands seeing as its technically Bant, although the other two are just splashed in, so maybe change the dual lands out for shocklands or guildgates? I mean, it could also go so far as to drop all the land down to basic land and just use Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse to land search if necessary.

Last edited by Ookamirozu (2014-03-19 09:08:51)

Re: Elves & Hydras

I'd pull out the Viridian Shaman, Gift of Orzhova and swap out Cancel for Counterspell

Your in the legacy format so if your going to have counters you'll need 4 Force of Wills

I don't think your looking to be tournament competitive just building for fun.  Legacy at tournament level is crazy here's an example.

I'd say figure out what the main thing is you want the deck to do then remove anything that doesn't do that.  In this case you want to get hydra's out fast with elves.  I'd add black just for Dark Ritual

I'll ponder this some more and add more later perhaps.

Re: Elves & Hydras

I'd pull out the Viridian Shaman, Gift of Orzhova and swap out Cancel for Counterspell.

It's not necessarily supposed to be built for tourney, I don't make decks like that. But the Gift of Orzhova was in there because I forgot I was trying to find a way to fit in Voracious Wurm and basically make it a "Hey, look at my big creatures and the amount of life I just gained," kinda stupid thing. But I completely understand what you mean.

Edit: After some thinking, this is what I came up with: but now its almost 80 cards and I'm not sure what to take out.

Last edited by Ookamirozu (2014-03-19 17:47:04)