Topic: Trading Foil Linvala

Looking to trade a foil Linvala, Keeper of Silence I won in a recent tournament.  Kept it bindered since.  The card is in good condition with very light play on the surface. 

Mostly looking for modern staples in trade.

Re: Trading Foil Linvala

I'd love to trade for it, but I'm guessing the price is a bit outside of the range of stuff I have available on my tradelist.  Feel free to take a look, but I doubt I will have enough.

Re: Trading Foil Linvala

I am interested depending on what you value it at since it has some play on it, hit me up with a trade and let me know what you value it at and let's see if we can working something out

Re: Trading Foil Linvala

Thanks for the interest, I'll take a look and let you know if I see a possible trade.

Re: Trading Foil Linvala

feel free to look at my tradelist.  im in the process of updating so somethings may not be available but i also have stuff not list so if u dont see anything ask me.